For purposes of this section, furbearing mammals, game mammals, nongame mammals, and protected mammals are those mammals so defined by statute on January 1, 1997, in sections 3950, 4000, 4150 and 4700 of the Fish and Game Code. Cubs and females accompanied by cubs may not be taken. (18) Alameda General Methods Tule Elk Hunt: (A) Area: Those portions of Alameda and San Joaquin Counties within the following line: beginning at the intersection of the Interstate 5 and the San Joaquin/Stanislaus County line; southwest along the San Joaquin/Stanislaus County line to the intersection of the San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Alameda, Santa Clara County lines; west along the Alameda/Santa Clara County Line to the intersection of Interstate 680; north along Interstate 680 to the intersection of Interstate 580; east and south along Interstate 580 to the intersection of Interstate 5; south along Interstate 5 to the point of beginning. (D) Applicants shall apply through the departments Automated License Data System terminals at any department license agent or department license sales office on or before June 2 each year. Butte County east of the following line: Beginning at the junction of Highway 99 and the Butte-Tehama county line; south and east along Highway 99 to Highway 149; south and east along Highway 149 to Highway 70; south along Highway 70 to the Butte-Yuba county line; east on the Butte-Yuba county line to the Butte-Plumas county line; north on the Butte-Plumas county line to the Butte-Tehama county line southwest on the Butte-Tehama county line to the starting point. (D) Number of Tags: 33,000 The Zone D-3-5 tag is valid in zones D-3, D-4, and D-5. Methods Authorized for Taking Big Game. (1) Area: The tag shall be valid in the area described in subsection 363(c)(1). The privilege granted in a permit entitles only the permittee, members of his family, his employees or contractors to pursue, drive, herd, or take birds and mammals in accordance with the provisions of the permit. (31) J-9 (Little Dry Creek Apprentice Shotgun Either-Sex Deer Hunt). The antlerless season shall open on the second Wednesday in November and continue for 12 consecutive days. (F) Each applicant who submits a premium license tag, as noted in (E) above, through the departments Automated License Data System terminals at department license agents and department license sales offices shall receive a big game drawing receipt printed from the terminal. Shall open on the first Tuesday following the opening of period two and continue for 4 consecutive days. Any holder of a trapping license who traps a bobcat shall immediately release the bobcat to the wild unharmed. Dog training on mountain lions is prohibited. (2) Information required for consideration of certification: (A) Name of manufacturer of projectile or ammunition, address, and contact information; (B) For projectile certifications, information shall include the following: caliber, weight in grains, product trade name or marketing line (if established), product or catalog number (SKUs or UPCs are acceptable), composition, percent content of lead by weight, and detailed unique identifying characteristics; (C) For ammunition certifications, information shall include the following: caliber, cartridge designation, weight in grains of the projectile, product trade name or marketing line (if established), product or catalog number (SKUs or UPCs are acceptable), composition of projectile, percent content of lead by weight of projectile, detailed unique identifying characteristics of the projectile, and any unique identifying characteristics of the cartridge; (D) Signed statement verifying all information provided is accurate; and. (1) Raccoon may be taken from July 1 through March 31 in the following area: All of Imperial County and those portions of Riverside and San Bernardino counties lying south and east of the following line: Beginning at the intersection of Highway 86 with the north boundary of Imperial County; north along Highway 86 to the intersection with Interstate 10; east along Interstate 10 to its intersection with the Cottonwood Springs Road in Section 9, T6S, R11E, S.B.B.M. 475. 708.10. (g) In addition to the methods listed in (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) above, firearm rifles and pistols may be used for taking rabbits and squirrels only; except in Los Angeles County where rifles and pistols may not be used. The designee and the person who issues the authorization to check traps shall comply with all provisions of Section 465.5. (B) Season: The season for additional hunt J-17 (Blue Canyon Apprentice Either-Sex Deer Hunt) shall be concurrent with the zone D-4 general season as defined in subsection 360(a)(4)(B). (A) Area: That portion of Modoc County within a line beginning at the intersection of the Malin Road (Modoc County 114) and the California/Oregon state line; east along the state line to the Crowder Flat Road; south along the Crowder Flat Road to the Blue Mountain Road (Modoc County 136); west on the Blue Mountain Road to the Blue Mountain-Mowitz Butte-Ambrose. Prohibition Against Taking Other Than Waterfowl, American Coots, Common Moorhens and Common Snipe Within Harry A. Merlo State Recreation Area. (A) Area: Shall include all of Zone A-South Unit 110 and Zone A-North Unit 160 (see subsections 360(a)(1)(A)1. through 2.). (B) Season: The season for additional hunt J-16 (Bucks Mountain-Nevada City Apprentice Either-Sex Deer Hunt) shall be concurrent with the zone D-3 general season as defined in subsection 360(a)(4)(B). If the deadline to submit the fee falls on a weekend or holiday payment will be accepted until the close of business on the first state business day following the deadline to submit payment. All furbearing and nongame mammals that are legal to trap must be immediately killed or released. The archery season for Zone C-3 shall open on the third Saturday in August and extend for 23 consecutive days. Zone C-1. (1) Only persons possessing valid Nelson bighorn sheep license tags are entitled to hunt bighorn sheep. Licenses shall be issued only by the Director or his/her designee. ; south approximately 6 miles to Sugarloaf Winter Recreation Area. (A) Area: That portion of Lassen County lying within the following line: Beginning at the junction of Highway 395 and the Clarks Valley-Red Rock-Tuledad Road (Lassen County Roads 506, 510 and 512); east on the Clarks Valley-Red Rock-Tuledad Road to the California-Nevada state line; south on the California-Nevada state line to the Pyramid Lake Road (Lassen County 320); west on the Pyramid Lake Road to Highway 395; north on Highway 395 to the point of beginning. Other Mammals. (A) Area: Those portions of Del Norte, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Siskiyou, and Trinity counties within the area described as Zone B-1 (see subsection 360(a)(2)(A)1.). (A) The general season shall open on the Saturday following the third Wednesday in August and continue for nine consecutive days. Area: The tag shall be valid in the area described in subsection 364(d)(18)(A). 1. Upon the harvesting of any bobcat, the hunter shall immediately fill the tag completely, legibly, and permanently, and cut out or punch out and completely remove notches or punch holes for the month and date of the kill. Applicants shall possess an annual California hunting license that is valid during the elk season for which they are applying. (j) Except as otherwise provided, while taking or attempting to take big game under the provisions of this section or Section 354 of these regulations, it is unlawful to use any device or devices which: 1) throw, cast or project an artificial light or electronically alter or intensify a light source for the purpose of visibly enhancing an animal; or 2) throw, cast or project an artificial light or electronically alter or intensify a light source for the purpose of providing a visible point of aim directly on an animal. (3) All successful tagholders hunting within the exterior boundaries of Fort Hunter Liggett will be required to have their tags validated on Fort Hunter Liggett prior to leaving. Zone C-3. Stat. Toxicants can be used for taking crows only under the supervision of employees or officers of the Department of Food and Agriculture or federal or county pest control officers or employees acting in their official capacities and possessing a qualified applicator certificate issued pursuant to sections 14151-14155 of the Food and Agriculture Code. (2) Applicants shall be California residents or nonresidents, at least 12 years of age on or before July 1 of the license year for which they are applying. Anchor chains must be attached to the center of the padded trap, rather than the side. The exception to this is for the purpose of transportation, cleaning, storage (including temporary storage), shipment, or taxidermy services, where an individual may possess game birds taken by another hunter provided that they are tagged by the hunter who has lawfully taken them. (1) License Application (DFW 537 (Rev. (1) All tag holders shall return their license tags to the department within one week after the close of the elk season, even though the tagholder may not have killed an elk. (b) Wildlife Watering Places Defined. Shall open on the first Tuesday following the opening of period six and continue for 4 consecutive days. (2) The applicant must have a valid hunting license for the year for which he/she is applying. (30) J-8 (Daugherty Hill Wildlife Area Apprentice Either-Sex Deer Hunt). (A) Area: That portion of Sonoma County within the boundaries of the Lake Sonoma Area, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) property described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Hot Springs Road and the COE boundary; east and south along the boundary line to the intersection with Brush Creek; west along the north bank of Brush Creek (shoreline) to the Dry Creek arm of Lake Sonoma; south along the shoreline of the Dry Creek arm to Smittle Creek; north along the COE property line to Dry Creek; east along the COE boundary across Cherry Creek, Skunk Creek, and Yorty Creek to the point of beginning. (4) La Panza General Methods Tule Elk Apprentice Hunt: (A) Area: The tag shall be valid in the area described in subsection 364(d)(2)(A). If a report card is submitted by mail and not received by the department, it is considered not reported. (1) The taking of domestically reared and released game birds on licensed pheasant clubs and other licensed game bird clubs; (2) The taking of resident game birds and mammals on or over standing crops, flooded standing crops (including aquatics), flooded harvested croplands, grain crops properly shocked on the field where grown, or grains found scattered solely as the result of normal agricultural planting or harvesting; (3) The taking of resident game birds and mammals on or over any lands where shelled, shucked or unshucked corn, wheat or other grain, salt, or other feed have been distributed or scattered as the result of bona fide agricultural operations or procedures, or as a result of manipulation of a crop or other feed on the land where grown for wildlife management purposes: provided that manipulation for wildlife management purposes does not include the distributing or scattering of grain or other feed once it has been removed from or stored on the field where grown. If the fifth place is the first member of a party, then no more than six hunters will be allowed on the area at any time. Tagholders will be notified of the time and location of the orientation meeting upon receipt of their elk license tags. (d) The use of dogs is prohibited during the archery season for bear. Applicants for the apprentice elk hunts shall hold a junior hunting license for the license year for which they are applying. A permit shall be valid on public lands only if the permittee has permission from the agency controlling the lands to exercise the privileges of the permit on such lands, or if the permittee, by obtaining a permit under these regulations, has fulfilled applicable requirements set forth in Federal laws and regulations. Prohibition Against Taking Other Than Waterfowl and Resident Small Game on Perris Reservoir State Recreation Area. (A) Area: In those portions of Alpine, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Stanislaus and Tuolumne counties within a line beginning at the intersection of Highway 99 and the Stanislaus River at Ripon; east along the Stanislaus River and following the North Fork of the Stanislaus River to Highland Creek; east up Highland Creek to the road connecting Lower and Upper Highland Lakes at Upper Highland Lake; east along that road to the township line between Townships 7 and 8 North; east on that township line to the Sierra crest near Wolf Creek Pass; south along the Sierra crest to the Yosemite National Park boundary near Rodger Peak; along the eastern Yosemite National Park boundary to Highway 41; south along Highway 41 to the Madera-Mariposa county line south of Westfall Station; along the Madera-Mariposa and the Madera-Merced county lines to Highway 99; north along Highway 99 to the point of beginning. Only department employees may validate bear license tags (This provision supersedes section 4755 of the Fish and Game Code). (B) Season: The season for hunt A-32 (Ventura/Los Angeles Late Season Archery Either-Sex Deer Hunt) shall open on the second Saturday in November and extend for 23 consecutive days. (B) Season: The season for additional hunt M-11 (Northwestern California Muzzleloading Rifle Buck Hunt) shall open on the second Saturday in November and extend for 16 consecutive days. (B) Season: The season for additional hunt G-21 (Ventana Wilderness Buck Hunt) shall open on the second Saturday in November and extend for 23 consecutive days. Tagholders will be notified of the time and location of the orientation meeting after receipt of their elk license tags. (b) The individual who took the carcass shall surrender the entire condemned carcass and any parts thereof to the Department employee or dispose of it as instructed by the Department employee. ; north along the Cottonwood Springs Road and the Mecca Dale Road to Amboy; east along Highway 66 to the intersection with Highway 95; north along Highway 95 to the California-Nevada state line. California sea lions are members of the family of eared seals, and have an external ear flap. (B) Season: The season for additional hunt M-9 (Devil's Garden Muzzleloading Rifle Buck Hunt) shall open on the fourth Saturday in October and extend for 16 consecutive days. Shall open on the first Saturday in August and continue for 30 consecutive days. (A) Area: In that portion of Lassen County within a line beginning at the junction of Highway 395 and Conservation Center Road (Lassen County A-27) in the town of Litchfield; west on Conservation Center Road to its crossing of Willow Creek; northwest (upstream) on Willow Creek to its crossing of Highway 139 in the Willow Creek Valley; north along Highway 139 to the Termo-Grasshopper Road; east on the Termo-Grasshopper Road to Highway 395; south along Highway 395 to the point of beginning. (1) No more than six persons shall apply together as a party for premium deer license tags. The tag fee shall be received by the department by 5:00 p.m. on July 15 each year. 310. The bull season shall open on the Wednesday preceding the third Saturday in September and continue for 12 consecutive days. Any tags unclaimed by successful applicants after that date shall be awarded to alternates for that zone, on an individual basis, in the order drawn. State Listed Mammals. Parrots Of Californias six species of wild parrot, none are native to the state. Game species may be taken on the Lake Oroville State Recreation Area only as follows: (a) No hunting of any type is permitted between February 1 and September 14 except for wild turkeys only, during the spring turkey hunting season as provided in Section 306 of these regulations. 3. (B) Any act on the part of the tagholder which endangers the person or property of others. (27) A-32 (Ventura/Los Angeles Late Season Archery Either-Sex Deer Hunt). Nor shall this section prohibit the lawful possession of a concealed firearm pursuant to a concealed carry permit issued pursuant to Penal Code sections 26150 or 26155. 2 may not be used or possessed when taking wild turkey. In those portions of Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sierra, Sutter and Yuba counties within a line beginning at the junction of Interstate 5 and Highway 162 at Willows; east on Highway 162 to Highway 70 at Oroville; northeast on Highway 70 to Highway 89; south on Highway 89 to the new Gold Lake Road (near Graeagle); south on the new Gold Lake Road to Highway 49 at Bassetts; east on Highway 49 to Yuba Pass; south on the Yuba Pass-Webber Lake Road (main haul road) through Bonta Saddle to the Jackson Meadows Highway (Fiberboard Road); west on the Jackson Meadows Highway for two miles to the White Rock Lake Road; south on the White Rock Lake Road to the new road to White Rock Lake (below Bear Valley); south and east on the new White Rock Lake Road to the Pacific Crest Trail (one mile west of White Rock Lake in section 21, T18N, R14E, M.D.B.M. (2) The department reserves the right to use any part of the tagholder's elk for biological analysis as long as the amount of edible meat is not appreciably decreased. Area: As described in subsection 360(a)(4)(A)1. through 3. (C) Any second-deer license tag applicant may apply for any premium or restricted deer hunt tag remaining on August 2 each year. (A) Area: In those portions of Shasta and Trinity counties beginning at the junction of Highway 3 and Highway 299 in Weaverville; north on Highway 3 to the East Side Road at the north end of Trinity Lake; east on the East Side Road to Dog Creek Road; east on Dog Creek Road to Interstate 5 at Vollmers; south on Interstate 5 to Shasta Lake; south along the west shore of Shasta Lake to Shasta Dam; south along Shasta Dam along the Sacramento River to Keswick Dam Road; west on Keswick Dam Road to Rock Creek Road; south on Rock Creek Road to Highway 299; west on Highway 299 to the point of beginning. Bighorn sheep. Individual SHARE properties will be assigned seasons corresponding with management goals. Shall open on the first Tuesday following the opening of period twelve and continue for 4 consecutive days. Season: The archery deer season in Zone B-4 shall open on the fourth Saturday in July and extend for 23 consecutive days. Applicants shall possess an annual California hunting license that is valid during the pronghorn antelope season for which they are applying. Shall open on the second Saturday in September and extend for 16 consecutive days. No spotlight may be used from a vehicle which is on a public road or highway. 351. (4) Applicants shall apply for only one designated zone pursuant to Section 364. (A) Marble Mountains Apprentice (Hunt 408 - subsection 364(v)(1)(A)), (B) Marble Mountain antlerless (Hunt 301 subsection 364(r)(3)(A)), (C) Marble Mountain bull (Hunt 302 subsection 364(r)(3)(A)), (D) Northeastern CA Archery Only (Hunt 411 - subsection 364(w)(1)(A)), (E) Northeastern CA apprentice (Hunt 409 subsection 364(v)(2)(A)), (F) Northeastern CA bull (Hunt 305 - subsection 364(s)(1)(A)), (G) Northwestern CA antlerless (Hunt 374 subsection 364(r)(2)(A)), (H) Northwestern CA bull (Hunt 355 subsection 364(r)(2)(A), (I) Northwestern CA either sex (Hunt 483 subsection 364(r)(2)(A)), (J) Siskiyou antlerless (Hunt 401 - subsection 364(r)(1)(A)), (K) Siskiyou bull (Hunt 300 subsection 364(r)(1)(A)), (L) East Park Reservoir antlerless (Hunt 463 - subsection 364(u)(13)(A)), (M) East Park Reservoir bull (Hunt 461 subsection 364(u)(13)(A), (N) Lake Pillsbury Period 1 antlerless (Hunt 331 subsection 364(u)(16)(A)), (A) Zone 7 - White Mountains (subsection 362(a)(7)), (A) Likely Tables Period 2 buck (Hunt 732 - subsection 363(c)(2)(A)), (B) Lassen Period 2 buck (Hunt 742 subsection 363(d)(2)(A)). Written requests, along with the unused tag, shall be submitted on or before May 1, 2021, to the departments License and Revenue Branch, P.O. (3) Cache Creek General Methods Tule Elk Apprentice Hunt: (A) Area: The tag shall be valid in the area described in subsection 364(d)(1)(A). (B) Zone 5: The third Saturday in December and extend through the third Sunday in February. The vast majority of the specimens are regional, with a focus on rodents of Southern California, Utah, and northwestern Mexico. (b) Distribution of pronghorn antelope license. (B) Employees of the Department of Fish and Wildlife, including Certified Hunter Education Instructors, (C) Employees of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE), (D)Plant Quarantine Inspector, Supervisor I, and Supervisor II, (A) Employees of the Bureau of Land Management, (B) Employees of the United States Forest Service, (C) Employees of the United States Fish & Wildlife Service, (D) All Uniformed Personnel of the National Park Service. Eligible hunters may apply as soon as the website is available, and must apply no later than December 1 in the applicable license year. (B) Season: The season in Zone X-5b shall open on the first Saturday in October and extend for 16 consecutive days. Dogs may be trained on raccoon from April 1 through the day preceding the opening of the general raccoon season, except for closures and restrictions described in subsections 265(a) and (b). (B) Season: The season for additional hunt G-39 (Round Valley Late Season Buck Hunt) shall open on the fourth Saturday in October and extend for 16 consecutive days. (B) Season: The season for additional hunt G-1 (Late Season Buck Hunt for Zone C-4) shall open on the fourth Saturday in October and extend for 9 consecutive days. (7) Zone 7--White Mountains: That portion of Mono County within a line beginning at U.S. Highway 6 and the Mono-Inyo county line; northward on Highway 6 to the California-Nevada State Line; southeasterly along the California-Nevada State Line to the Mono-Inyo County Line; westward along the Mono-Inyo County Line to the point of beginning. Siskiyou and Marble Mountains Roosevelt Elk Season shall open on the Wednesday preceding the first Saturday in September and continue for 19 consecutive days. In those portions of Glenn, Mendocino, Shasta, Tehama and Trinity counties within a line beginning at the intersection of Highway 299 and Interstate 5 in Redding; south along Interstate 5 to the Black Butte Lake- Newville Road near Orland; west and north on the Black Butte Lake-Newville Road to the Round Valley-Paskenta Road; west on the Round Valley-Paskenta Road to the Pacific Crest Road (U.S. Forest Service Road M-2) near Government Flat; north on the Pacific Crest Road to the Summit Trailhead at Green Springs; north along Summit Trail to Soldier Ridge Trail; south and west along Soldier Ridge Trail to Minnie Creek; north and west on Minnie Creek to Balm of Gilead Creek; west on Balm of Gilead Creek to the Middle Fork of the Eel River; west on the Middle Fork of the Eel River to the North Fork of the Middle Fork of the Eel River; north on the North Fork of the Middle Fork of the Eel River to the Four Corners Rock-Washington Rock Trail; north and west on the Four Corners Rock-Washington Rock Trail to the boundary of the Yolla Bolly-Middle Eel Wilderness Area; north along the boundary of the Yolla Bolly-Middle Eel Wilderness Area to the Tehama-Trinity county line; north on the Tehama-Trinity county line to Forest Service Arterial Road 41 at Stuart Gap; north on Forest Service Arterial Road 41 to Highway 36; west on Highway 36 (200 yards) to the Browns Creek-Harrison Gulch Road; north on the Browns Creek-Harrison Gulch Road to the Shasta-Trinity county line; northeast along the Shasta-Trinity county line to Mud Springs, where the Bully Choop Mountain Road joins the Shasta-Trinity county line; north on the Bully Choop Mountain Road to Highway 299 at Buckhorn Summit and the Shasta-Trinity county line; east on Highway 299 to Interstate 5 in Redding.

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