Lavender's magic is readily apparent -- it exudes a serene, cleansing energy. We have also said that lavender flowers may symbolize silence. She has a B.A. Lavender Amethyst has the meaning and properties of eliminating negative energy. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. It will stop a chain reaction of negativity by cutting off negative energy. To prevent skin irritation, dilute the oil in a carrier oil or lotion. Lavender flowers are spike-like flowers composed of multiple, small purple flowers or florets on long narrow stems. Because the mere scent of lavender eases the mind, emotions, and spirit, it is a very beneficial oil for anyone who experiences depression, anxiety, or any kind of stress. Lavender oil is approved for use as an anxiolytic in Germany under the name Lasea. Please note: The information in this article/post is for informational purposes only and in no way is intended to be medical, psychological or any other type of professional advice. Due to its spiritual properties and high vibrations, lavender is one of the top oils to assist you in connecting and communicating with angels and spirit guides. Lavenders masculine qualities are tied to its association with kingship, as the rarity of the color lavender in nature means naturally derived dyes were reserved for the elite throughout history. It will open you up to possibilities you may have never imagined. This color energy will also grow your wisdom and enhance your artistic talents. Lavender is steam distilled from the flowering tops of the plant, and it takes 27 square feet of lavender plants to make one 15 ml bottle of Lavender essential oil. It smells good, heals wounds, helps you sleep, takes you into a state of peace after a long day, eases depression and anxiety and so, so much more. The lavender and rose oil formulation was prepared by diluting 2 drops of an essential oil blend containing 75% lavender oil and 25% rose oil diluted in 5 mL of jojoba oil. This post contains affiliate links, which means by clicking on them and making a purchase I receive a commission at no extra cost to you. The herb also improves memory, creates energy flow, and promotes fidelity. This stone derives pure energy of the highest etheric spectrum, as well as draw angelic beings to the light. To begin with, lavender is an amazing oil for relaxing the body and mind. click here to get your free personalized numerology reading. Any arrangement filled with these beautiful blossoms sends a message of feminine beauty. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 3483. In many cultures lavender flowers are used as a symbol of caution. English and Dutch: occupational name for a washerman or launderer, Old French, Middle Dutch lavendier (Late Latin lavandarius, an agent derivative of lavanda washing, things to be washed). The botanic name Lavandula is considered to be derived from this and other European vernacular names for the plants. Lavender essential oil helps to release any energetic blocks you may have. The meaning of these gorgeous flowers varies depending on the hue. In addition to these characteristics, lavender flowers also possess a unique meaning. >>Click Here To Learn More And Find Out About Organixx Essential Oils, :*:,:*: :*:. Lavender is probably the most popular and well-known essential oil. You are more than welcome to use the information contained in this post for any personal or not for profit purposes. Clear your energetic field by rubbing a few drops of lavender oil into the arches of your feet. No matter how you use it, the Rose Quartz crystal meaning is associated with love and happiness. The color purple has a variety of effects on the mind and body, including uplifting spirits, calming the mind and nerves, enhancing the sacred, creating feelings of spirituality, increasing nurturing tendencies and sensitivity, and encouraging imagination and creativity. Lavender has a very soft and soothing energy that resonates at a high frequency. Colors are one of the most beautiful and also one of the most under-appreciated aspects of the physical realm. Veracruz Amethyst: this variety of Amethyst has its name from the location it is mined from Veracruz in Mexico and comes in the form of big and prismatic crystals. It has also come to symbolize independence, success, wisdom, and psychic ability. Lavender sachets are a very easy way to benefit from the energy of lavender year round. This shade carries with it connotations of being a dreamer. SHADES OF SILVER ~ Bright Metallic Silver ? A survey paper on lavender and the nervous system published in 2013 states that, there is growing evidence suggesting that lavender oil may be an effective medicament in treatment of several neurological disorders.. Learn how your comment data is processed. Meaning Lavender flowers are purple in color and the color purple is associated with the crown chakra, which is the energy center associated with higher purpose and spiritual connectivity. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Choose the one you like the best. LAVENDER ~ This color denotes vision, imagination and daydreaming. Color holds power. White roses are traditionally associated with marriages and new beginnings, but their quiet beauty has also made them a gesture of remembrance. Lavender essential oil increases your awareness. Gray is used in magic to convey the energy of dignity and respect. When you feel inexplicably drawn to this stone, its about time to get yourself a piece of Lavender Jade and experience all its healing properties! It emanates pure energy of the highest etheric spectrum, and draws angelic beings to its light. Use your browers 'back button' to return to this key pad. This means that while it puts you in a relaxed state it also makes you more open to and aware of any signs, messages, synchronicities, and communications from the spiritual realm. Lavender is a very gentle oil and is generally considered safe for both adults and children. Do you have any experiences using lavender essential oil in your spiritual practice? If you found this post helpful please share it with others. Many cheaper oils, like those found in grocery and health food stores, smell great but are full of synthetics. The most important property of lavender flower is its fragrance. Lavender Fine, grown in the highest altitudes of France, has an elegant aroma that is fresh, floral, and herbaceous topped with silky, creamy notes to round it out. Use lavender while you visualize your energetic blocks and cords floating up into the heavens for transmutation. The stones soft lavender color attunes harmonically to Kwan Yin the Goddess of Compassion, as well as encourages charitable and loving It will assist you in seeing clearly what no you need to let go and will help you release it. Further, it also provides spiritual nourishment to those who touch or even just gaze on it. Specifically, the Amethyst crystal healing properties are connected to your headspace, and work to sooth your mind of any worries, stress, or tension. This is the magic color correspondence to use when matters are not yet fully decided, while you are waiting on forming the details. Once all those anxious, worrisome, doubtful, and negative vibes are calmed down and out of your thought stream, the properties in lavender essential oil makes it easier to do subconscious work and connect with the spiritual realm. Lavender Around the World is a combination of Lavender oils grown in India, China, France, Bulgaria, and Greece bringing the therapeutic, spiritual, and aromatic benefits of Lavender varieties from all around the world together into one. This symbolism is appropriate as the Lavender flower is often used for healing and raising our vibration to the highest level possible is the easiest path to healing. Created with love by Good Vibes Publishing, LLC ~ All rights reserved ~ 2014 - 2020. Similar in meaning to white, but with a tinge of earthy brown. Lavender jade is a gem of the angels. 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It can signal a new energy in the aura, truth, purity, angelic qualities and a healthy individual. Benefits span from pain relief, supporting relaxation and sleep, to hair care and treating minor cuts and scrapes. Bright orange aura: This shade indicates you have good health, vibrancy and you're living life to its fullest. While purple is the color of royalty, and pink the color of youth, lavender is femininity all grown up. Spanish lavender may be used to refer to L. stoechas, L. lanata or L. dentata. Lavenders see life as a magical world with fantasy, dreams, enhancement, myths and spiritual beings. When using essential oils be sure to get pure, quality oils. <3. The two primary types of lavender are Lavender Greece and Lavender Bulgaria. Making it especially helpful for opening your heart to receiving and increasing your feelings of connectedness with spirit. All you need is a couple of small bags, preferably of natural fabric (cotton or silk), fill them with lavender and you are done! While an individuals response to color can stem from personal experience, the science of color along with color psychology supports the idea theres far more to it. The names widely used for some of the species, English lavender, French lavender and Spanish lavender are also less than accurate.. English lavender is commonly used for L. angustifolia, though some references say the proper term is Old English Lavender. Lavender Aura Color Personalities and Meaning. LAVENDER ~ This color denotes vision, imagination and daydreaming. Lavender, orchid, lilac, and violet flowers are considered delicate and precious. SILVER ~ Pertains to spiritual and physical abundance. A Comprehensive Guide on Lavender Aura Color Meaning and Personality. The crown or 7th chakra is located at the top of the head and the vibration of the Lavender Jade is a stone of the angels. This energy will calm your physical and mental bodies while uplifting your spirit. Cleanses the mind and body. A stone that attracts and supports unconditional love, the Rose Quartz crystal meaning can be used in a variety of ways. Because the mere scent of lavender eases the mind, emotions, and spirit, it is a very beneficial oil for anyone who experiences depression, anxiety, or any kind of stress. Named for the flower, Lavender Quartzs attractive color in combination with its delicate brilliance are what makes this gem so desirable. Like Rosemary, Lavender is a common garden plant that can be grown at home, and is very pretty to look at when you are not using it Lavender Quartz is a rare, pinkish-purple gemstone that only comes from the Boquira Mine in the northern Brazilian state of Bahia. We all know that low vibes, negative thoughts, and feelings of doubt, lack, scarcity, worry, and fear get in the way of any spiritual practice. Lavender oil is an effective option when addressing head lice and can also help prevent lice infestations. Lavender Amethyst: the purple color of this Amethyst variant is a bit less strong, giving it a pale or lavender appearance. Red symbolizes energy, passion, strength, courage, physical activity, creativity, warmth, and security. When you apply lavender essential oil to Lava Rock, you will reduce anxiety, stress and sleep better. Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular and favorite essential oils to use. Tags: LavenderLavender Essential OilSpiritual benefits of lavender essential oilSpiritual uses of lavender essential oil. Knowing the effects color has on a majority of people is an incredibly valuable expertise that designers can master and offer to their clients. in psychology and an M.A. It can also help to ensure that you spend wisely and take advantage of offers to earn more. It's heady aroma seems to Pearl Often worn as fine jewelry, pearls arent usually thought of as healing stones. nurturing, intuitive, new ideas. And that is in addition to the increased vibrational energy both within you and your environment. Flower Meanings by Color. There is a possibility this strain of lavender may induce deeper relaxation and more restful sleep. Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular and versatile essential oils used in aromatherapy. Increases physical and magickal energy and increases the flow of money into your life. Soak in a lavender essential oil bath to cleanse, purify, and heal your soul. energy definition: 1. the power and ability to be physically and mentally active: 2. the total of all your power and. It can impact our moods, emotions, and behaviors. Since lavender essential oil is so effective at helping to calm the mind and body it will help you get your consciousness out of the way while doing spiritual and healing work. This is a powerful crystal for anyone wanting to connect with their feminine side or anyone at any stage of the life-giving cycle from the process of conceiving to pregnancy and birth.

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