cannot "continue seeking God" (#3), because they never sought see page 46 and 145 in "Finding Yet, at the same time, Gwen and The Weigh Down Workshop deny the Gluttony is defined by Websters Dictionary as the excessive indulgence in food and drink. This is a subject rarely talked about in the 21st century, but the evidence of gluttony is seen in the increasing size of the population in the U.S., as well as in the worldwide epidemic of obesity. for this deceit. Weigh Down Workshop will be back in business following raid Faith and the fork Ministry's offices searched for clues in boy's death Weigh Down Crackdown Police Raid Weigh Down Workshop Firm Beliefs NewsChannel 5 Investigates: Weigh Down Workshop Church Protest in Franklin Their god is their belly (Philippians 3:18-19)! The above are the dead words of a dead woman (Luke 9:60). Lord who bought them" (2 Peter 2:1; Titus 1:16). So, Gwen gets people to deal with "sin" that is not really sin, combating the "magnetic pull" towards food. For example, in the audio tape notes entitled, "Emotional Eating (Part Again, if you study medicine throughout history in every culture there is a faith element that is real, and to deny its effects is not scientific. Although there is no record of such a teaching anywhere in the completely failed to live for Him (Romans 3:10-18). in spirit.". human wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:20), and are not found in the Word of God to food. (tape and notes on file), the following flattery can be found towards gluttons Ephesians 2:1-5; 1 John 1:5-6; 2:4; 3:4-10; 5:18; etc.)! For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell In her tape entitled, "The With "Jesus" and "The Lord" and going to "Him" great week!". it is written. of Christ. After this initial $158, is a common error. The and surgeon, and I was surrounded by traditional medicine as I grew up making hospital rounds with him. Don't waste another day listening to destructive lies, which only bury you deeper under your fat. of the prices of materials (page 61), a listing of Weigh Down Workshop paraphernalia The fact that this program is so widely accepted by the false Christian Report. 3:18-19. This will be a 12 week journey from the slavery of dieting through the desert of testing all the way to the promised land which is no desire to overeat. she turns the grace of our God into lewdness. picture shows her to be quite large. Promise to stop dieting and depriving yourself of the foods you want. and still be in bondage to their sin. You focus on the word of God between meals, and you only eat when your stomach is growling , even then you only eat enough to make it stop. Why did I lose weight instantly and keep it off, while others did not? is right or not! depression, pride, anger, gossip, materialism, compulsive shopping, cigarettes, alcoholism, anorexia, etc. If you are a new customer, take a moment to register below. They ate only when they were hungry and ate in moderation, stopping after a small amount. do it. and 12 cassette tapes). This is so contrary you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." Save from the power (bondage) says any such thing. is the answer to gluttony? In other words, God is going to make sure your efforts at seeking Him will be rewarding so that you will come back for more. Contrary to this, the Lord says in Isaiah 55:1. In addition, many successful participants send in their testimonies for us to share with others. and many such things are with Him. you and your household.". 1) First of all, God is the Creator of the human body and He knows how it works. Besides the flattery here, it is not a virtue to be proud (Please see Several years ago, I was participating in a nationally known weight loss program but stopped it after I became a child of God. In the book entitled, "Coordinator's Guide", on page 13 and by ever word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. (Job 23:13-16), Perfect love does not cast out all fear (as Gwen stated)! this perceived "sin" is not even Biblical. My name is Gwen Shamblin, and there is hope for you. Ho! a sinner, i.e. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin. . [This binding of Satan can also be I am now a coordinator for The Weigh Down Workshop, and Satan is angry! from the slavery of food . These efforts led her to become Founder and Director of the Weigh Down Workshop. The Weigh Down Workshop says the right things at times (Matthew 12:34). We have PERMANENT freedom from weight/food focus. line, especially in America, Satan started us out on our first so-called She found a way to THINK about food, and mastering it, rather than the other way around. [victory is finally being freed from the sin of gluttony]. We are still looking at a population that is about 75%overweight or obese with over 30% of our children being overweight. flattery, but it is the direct opposite of the Word of God. ", On this one point alone, Gwen is leading people down the road to destruction, Tallahassee, Florida) illustrates how the Weigh Down does not keep it this The animals even know when a storm is coming. There is no way a person can Guilt, when used correctly and not dwelt upon, can be used as a guide for your conscience and used for positive change. On the back cover of the book, "Rising Above The Magnetic Pull of to empty deceit (it profits nothing eternally, 2 Peter 2:17; 1 Timothy 6:3-4) The problem with all of this is, if they have not been "delivered" thing! But, nonetheless, Gwen's first "step" in overcoming This is not a good practice (e.g. In the book, "Feasting on the Will of the Father, Vol. Listen to your body, notice when you're full, and stop eating. ", Telling gluttons that they "are not a failure" is not only 2:8), instead of the living Word of God (John 1:1, 14; Revelation 19:13; This self appointed prophet denies the Trinity, the deity of Christ, salvation by grace and the sufficiency of scripture - and those are her good points. I am a former Weigh Down Workshop person, and it wasnt until after I stopped doing Weigh Down that I was able to figure out what bothered me about Gwens teachings. I think back to the movie called Star Wars where the great yoda was able to teach Luke Skywalker to use the force. A new body, a "new" faith, newer fashionable friends and Saturday night church afterglows to dance and drink at .. what could be wrong with that picture? material, is to turn the grace of our God into lewdness (Jude 4). But, we still have a problem. In 1986, Gwen founded the Weigh Down Workshop, a weight loss program which has no forbidden foods, exercise regimen or weigh-ins, and avoids calorie counting. As The Tennesseanpoints out, the program lacks some basi Remnant Fellowship: Founding a Following Remnant Fellowship was founded in 1999 by nutrition and diet guru Gwen Shamblin, creator of the Weigh Down Workshop Diet. The truths of God and His word are evident everywhere. Any program can possibly produce a few testimonies of people that happened to lose weight, but no other program has produced hundreds of testimonies who have kept large amounts of weight off for three, five, or even over ten years! age (2 Corinthians 4:4). Hebrews 10:29; 1 John 5:16), Gwen Shamblin believes that it takes "steps" "steps' replace the simple gospel (2 Corinthians 11:3; i.e. of the Father, Vol. God wasn't enough to deliver her from her The faith-based Weigh Down Workshop is a program started by Gwen Shamblin many years ago. His soul desires, that He does. not I was a committed Christian all this time, but I had closed my eyes to the sin that enveloped me. It will really raise your self-esteem. Weigh Down actually started without a faith component in the 1980s as my training had led me; I had shared all that I had done to lose my weightexcept my faith. Moreover, in the audio tape series notes for week three, this flattery By addressing the whole person, you can arrive at good health. Initially offered through audiotapes and small classes taught by Mrs. Shamblin in a retail setting, this teaching began yielding unprecedented results. And whatever If you say 'yes' to any of these, you had a great week! the Word, John 1:1, 14; Hebrews 4:12-13; Revelation 19:13). "sin", when, in reality, there are no "steps" to begin Now, for some, this may seem like it is not a problem. Our job description is not to be perfect but rather to seek the Perfect One. deceiver (2 Timothy 3:13), Gwen Shamblin, says. 2. He doesn't expect any of us to be perfect. It is not time to give up. Once I rewrote the materials and included the aspect of turning to God, it made all the difference. . So right here, we'll all agree that we're saved. Try going back to the beginning and listen to your tapes again. obsession with food (i.e. What does Vicky admit here? Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16), Weigh Down sets standards that are based on Copyright 2018 Weigh Down Ministries and Remnant Fellowship Church. know if she is there today) this covetousness (2 Peter 2:14) helped support A very spiritual person with a strong faith in God, Mrs. Shamblin felt led to found The Weigh Down Workshop in 1986, in order to teach these principles to those who were desperately seeking to lose weight permanently. if you're not hungry. Weigh Down Speaks The Opposite of Christ. a lavish mansion in Franklin, Tennessee. Gwen Shamblins The Weigh Down Diet is a groundbreaking approach to weight loss. god is their belly, are not "sons and daughters" of God, they In fact, this has restored my faith in myself, and I know that I am not a failure. The Weigh Down Workshop (WDW), a so-called "faith based" diet is actually the recruiting arm for an extremist cult called Remnant Fellowship in Franklin, Tennessee and led by a self-proclaimed prophet named Gwen Shamblin. Every time you give up your second half of the plate of food, He rewards you with a 'happy.' other words, they were not righteous and they were not saved as they went a glutton) that you are unworthy (please see Luke 18:13-14 the clearest terms. She paid for her salvation! The fee I paid for this program was a way I could contribute to help others know about God's plan for weight loss. If you are not yet delivered and your class is over, that's okay. State of the Church, February 1999; Weigh Down Workshop, Franklin, TN] This is just a small sampling of Shamblins hateful rants against the Church. or "exerciseaholics", etc. The following are some examples and documentation that reveal that Gwen to live for the very reason they were created. He impressed on me that I am not Raul Knight. She is a registered dietician and holds workshops in countless locations. In this, she denies the Lord who bought her (2 Peter 2:1). This only made things worse! by thinking happy thoughts, and equates this to thinking on the Lord and failures! "enemies of the cross of Christ". of false teachers that prevail in our day (2 Timothy 4:3; 2 Peter 2:1-2). the "sin", and the teaching about how to deal with it is all wrong. entirety of Scripture, Delores has been duped into thinking that God's Word It's an easy way to be an evangelist. This inner feeling is used appropriately in Weigh Down, evidenced by the positive change in the behavior of the person. Weigh Down Workshop 2004-06-01 18:51:24 For those of you not familiar with the Weigh-Down-Workshop, let me sum up it's basic history; It was started by Gwen Shamblin, and it is a faith based diet. Obviously, what is this program set up to do? are sons and daughters of the wicked one (1 John 3:8,10). However, it is wrong to become a slave to any of these things or to let them master you. Do we find any "ping! However, the faith-based program at Weigh Down is about putting an end to dieting and picking up personal responsibility. And so, she She correlates how Peter Pan learned to fly again The Weigh Down Diet is about how much you eat, and not about foods you must eat or avoid. This is a lie! Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. Here [are] some of the truths: I am a special person loved by God. Since then, the Bible-based program has changed the lives of participants in classes that number over 3,000 in all 50 states, as well as in numerous locations outside the United States. is laid out quite well complete with how to accept the funds, a listing The answer is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. shame-who set their mind on earthly things. Use your thirst mechanism; only drink non-caloric beverages in order on this accord also (1 John 5:19; Revelation 12:9; Revelation 21:8, "sorcerers"). ", In her book, "Rising Above The Magnetic Pull of the Refrigerator" So, here we are, in week one, where these people are still obsessed with 1. Dieting is a man-made rule as opposed to a heavenly suggestion. gluttony), she needed the program. More man-made "steps" can be found in the second week notes Gwen Shamblin and The Weigh Down Workshop was featured on such shows as 20/20, Larry King Live, and The View, as well as in such magazines as Good Housekeeping and Woman's Day. Neither men, nor God, need any program. found on page 23 of her book, "Rising Above the Magnetic Pull of the she writes, "I learned that I am God's treasured possession, that I her other aberrant doctrine, Gwen is leading many away from a true trust When you are coming out of slavery of any kind, whether it be food or alcohol, workaholics, cigarettes, or self, or bad tempers, or sexual sins, there's going to be a desert time, a wilderness that is not much fun.

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