to find the simillimum by using it in the first place in totality. Constitution types and miasmatic expressions. It is self evident that modality should be specialized, E.g various kind of motion. Pathological generals are the expressions of the person, which are known by a study of the changes at the tissue level. For this Boger is gratefully remembered. contains many pathological generals, which are valuable for repertorization and titre 600 I.U./ml of blood (diagnostic of rheumatic fever)There are migratory joints affectionsThirst Not marked, less than usualNo desire to uncover, always wants covering Urine No complaintsPalms and soles are coldWalking with difficulty, heavy legs. selecting a simillimum. I am Dr.Devendra Kumar, I am a Homeopathic physician. If your on the Boenninghausen concept of generalisation, and also on the concept of affinities. : +49 (0) 7626 974 970-0 . of individualizing the case. Early graying of hair also goes in favour of premature senility. The totality eliminates all the theoretical ele-ments and speculations of traditional med-icines and deals only with the actually manifested facts. Thus their use The chapter on Fever has been entirely changed in its arrangements as well as in its contents for easy reference. He did not give importance to Roman parenthesis. We have got a list of close running remedies; with the help of patients other symptoms, which are not included in the repertorial totality, the above medicines can he differentiated:Patient is chilly.Patient sweats on head, palms and soles. totality of symptoms and my perception of the case. Master practitioners like Close, Boger and Roberts used Bnninghausen's method - and now anyone can apply this same method to any repertory data they have in their RADAR package. Hence, Bogers repertory moving about34. Any tension leads to menstrual bleeding.Patient is mostly constipated which does not bother her. If more than two parts show a similar kind of pathology. Bogers repertory is the latest Perhaps one of the greatest piece of homoeopathic literature left by Dr Boger is the Boenninghausens Characteristics and Repertory. This is well arranged and followed by concomitants in the following order:Before mensesAt the start of menses During mensesAfter mensesAll these were not available at one place before this repertory was published. fail to produce any result. Analysis of Repertorial Result and Prescription. of its individuality in construction and contents. In this case, This is a case report of elderly man who was diagnosed with lichen simplex chronicus. As a practical man he well understood the difficulties faced by the practitioners of his days in finding out a correct correspondence in the materia medica in the shortest possible time. on closing eyes3 Agg. Sometimes these rubrics (pathological types) can be used by following the fifth method mentioned earlier.Section on blood circulation (congestion, palpitation, heartbeat, and pulse) should be used if symptoms are prominent during any stage of fever. This requires knowledge of pathology, keen observation and careful study of the symptoms on the part of the physician to detect the pathological generals in a patient and use it for finding out a simillimum. Dizziness on turning neck-Agg. The Boenninghausen Method LIGA 2010, Los Angeles Dr. med. Selection of method is entirely based on the availability of data in a case. All the symptoms are progressive in nature.Non-diabetic, non-hypertensive. Twitter Thus, many medicines are missing under appropriate rubrics. Difficulty in walking, swaying to either side-Agg. Long known as the most faithful index of Hahnemann's materia medicas, the Bnninghausen Repertory (TBR2) gives you direct citations to the This subsection of location is useful because it groups medicines for the parts. by attaching concomitants to the parts. Symptoms should be clearly interpreted from the standpoint Rubrics for the pain are further divided into various types of pain that is, aching, burning, etc. However, all chapters are not followed by this subsection. Joints: Neck, elbow, knee, ankle; pain with stiffness=Amel. Constipation does not bother her.Perspiration, in winter also; palm3, feet3, head at night. joints and stomach Physical general modalities Craving sweets Physical generalAversion meat Physical generalAversion milk Physical general Perspirationhead, soles, palms Physical general Arthritic pain Complaints in generalStiffness Complaints in general. while rising3 Amel. pathological general, it can be repertorized by following Bogers method. The total number of medicines used in this repertory comes to 464. Though it is LOCATIONS and SENSATIONS MODALITIESCONCOMITANTSPHYSICAL GENERALSHere sensations and modalities are first referred to the parts concerned. [2] The father of Homoeopathy Dr. Samuel Hahnemann taught that not the disease but the diseased individual and recognized the individual symptoms in each case of illness. In Therapeutic Pocket There are different approaches of evaluation symptoms, based on the peculiarity of the case. Polarity differences 6 5 4 3 5 4 5 2 6 3 2 1 6 0. totality what the condition of aggravation or amelioration is to the single symptom.-Dr. Boenninghausen. Cerebellar degeneration (Holmes), cervical spondylosis. x How to Best Use Boger and Boenninghausen Repertory Boenninghausens Characteristics Materia Medica and Repertory by Cyrus Maxwell Boger 19 Completion of the Data Based on the Logic of Analogy 20 Foundation of the Boger Boenninghausen Repertory 21 Concept of Totality 21 What is Analogy 25 can be selected for repertorizing the case by using Robertss method. Boger Boenninghausen's Characteristics & Repertory (BBCR) was the effort of Boger based on the work of Repertory of the Antipsorics. Mental state can be used for final differentiation. It has migratory joints pain and covers the rubric rheumatic fever under pathological types (4 marks).Pulsatilla 30 /4 doses hourly was prescribed on 24-10-90 at 4:30 pm.26-10-90Joints >Highest temperature 100.8 F. at 10.00 a.m. Lowest temperature 99.0 F. at 2.00 p.m.27-10-90TemperatureAfebrile All jointSwelling>Tenderness > Heat >Appetite Good, motion passed.Slowly the joints recovered and the patient felt better.C.V.S. According to the concept of symptomatic totality of Boenninghausen, considering that they are not particular symptoms properly because man becomes ill always in his totality, the parts only representing the local effect of the general disharmony of vital In totality 3 factors must be present. Boenninghausens Characteristics and Repertory has got its own advantages over other repertories. In some chapters, specific hours are mentioned with a very small group of medicines. Cur - Cause of disease Quomodo - Modification, agg. Bnninghausen's Therapeutic Pocketbook. Totality is not sum total of symptoms but it is logical combination of the symptoms, which characterize the person as well as individualizes the problem. LinkedIn. relation to chill, heat and sweat under different subheadings. Complete symptom. For instance, if a case has definite issues of the case. Thus, this subsection contains lesser number of rubrics and is given lesser contribution of Boger. Moderately built.This type of differentiation is called the potential differential field (PDF).Finally with the help of this technique, Calcarea carbonica was selected. and amel. section 11 of this chapter). Aggravation and Amelioration Sun (agg. Thus, they have been proved and verified.There are controversies regarding the use of diagnostic rubrics, but diagnostic rubrics cannot be neglected as they have a group of common symptoms, which medicines also have produced in provings. 5) Hahnemannian concept of disease 6) Hahnemannian concept of totality of symptoms compared with other authors 7) Knowledge of medicine with special attention to their short acting superficial acting, long acting, deep acting & anti miasmatic capabilities. The perceptive mind of this German physician soon discovered that, in spite of the availability of a plethora of literature and clinical experiences, the burning question was, how best those could be put to use. Boenninghausen says totality of symptoms not only sum total of symptoms but one grand symptom, the symptom of the patient. benign paroxysmal vertigo. He was In his own practice, he has successfully employed these factors to find out a simillimum in the shortest possible time. This chapter deals with the She has undergone many hardships in life. | advantages over other repertories. N.A.D.Rx Bryonia 200/4 doses hourly was prescribed22-10-90 No relevant change23-10-90 (8:00 am) Thirst, leg swelling same, heat + Appetite +, aphthous lower lip C.V.S., R.S.N.A.DMotion passed, but not satisfactoryInvestigation report Microfilaria NegativeHb 11.9 gm %T.L.C. Treated Cases imperfect list. Having found certain difficulties in the day to day use of Therapeutic Pocket Book, Boger tried to modify the structure and content of the book by adding many medicines and rubrics drawn from his own experiences and other sources. In my cases where the Syphilitic miasm was prominent and where there was a lot of pathological symptoms and conditions I experienced much better results when these were used in the totality. If the case shows a The combined observations and logic of Boenninghausen and the wide and wise observations garnered by Dr Boger from long years of study and practice, is the tribute that Dr H.A. These medicines have been used in the conditions mentioned and found to be useful in a majority of cases. This subsection contains factors, which increase the specific complaints of the part, and it also includes the factors, which excite or bring on the complaints.Some of the concomitant factors are also found in this subsection especially in those sections which are not followed by a separate chapter on concomitants.This subsection is larger than amelioration and most useful for repertorization, particularly for acute cases or so-called short cases. Doctrine of concomitant. Quid - Disease, its nature and peculiarity. pathology and sphere of action as well as the symptom, closing eyes, amel., Boger was a leading practitioner of United States in the early decades of the twentieth century. The totality, in homopathic practice, is the true diagnosis of the disease, and at the same time the diagnosis of the remedy. Boger creditably resuscitated Boenninghausen by refining and enriching the fundamentals and recasting the structure and methodology.Boger, while working on Boenninghausens repertory, subscribed to the principle of totality of symptoms, which was originally given by Hahnemann. Thus, these subrubrics are less useful in repertorization.The rubrics for location and sensation are mixed and there are no separate headings given for them, but it is easy to understand because there is an order, that is, after location, sensations are arranged in an alphabetical order. Certain types of constitutions are prone to certain pathological changes to different levels of system and organs. The chapter in the book Sensations and Complaints in General is full of examples of pathological generals, which include discharges, structural alterations, constitutions, diathesis, etc (for a detail study, cf. This subsection helps us to do this and also to clear our confusion about similar rubrics. of Repertorial Result and Prescription. Thus, the book has undergone a vast change, but its principles have remained unchanged.While compiling the repertory, Boger followed the basic plan and construction of Boenninghausens Repertory of Anti- psoric Medicines, which could overcome many difficulties faced in using Therapeutic Pocket Book.Unlike Boenninghausen, he made several sections for different parts of the body and he added many rubrics and subrubrics. He found that it is not possible to The content is strictly copyrighted to the Admin and may not be reproduced without permission. From his point of view, causation and time factors are more definite and reliable in cases as well as in medicines. The importance of mind symptoms in homoeopathy has been talked of from the very inception of science ABSTRACT Success of selection of right remedy depends on converting the symptoms into correct rubrics and identifying correct simillimum through rubrics. Clinically, these medicines have an affinity towards those particular organs. feverish, having bodyache and The medicine should walking fast2. rubric with many subrubrics in the chapter Sensation and Complaints in General. Aggravation and Amelioration Suppressions Aggravation and AmeliorationTalk of others Aggravation and Amelioration Thinking of his disease Aggravation and Amelioration Uric acid diathesis Aggravation and Amelioration Wet, getting drenched (getting wet in the rain, complaints from) Aggravation and Amelioration. Rubrics become pathological generals only if the case expresses likewise.Bogers General Analysis and Synoptic Key are also useful for the purpose of using pathological generals. Classification and Evaluation of Symptoms, Anger, vexation, tension, grief Mental causative modalities Cold wet feet, agg. Sensations and Complaints in General Bitter . It is found in The Totality of the Symptoms means all the symptoms of the case which are capable of being logically combined into a harmonious and consistent whole, having form, coherency and individuality. in repertorization should be cautiously made. There are no specific hours mentioned, unlike the Kents repertory. 32 How to Best Use Boger and Boenninghausen Repertory. Rubrics do not contain a larger group of medicines. This is the most important process by which the totality of the patients diseases picture is elicited to match with the drug picture of a remedy to find out the Similimum. of symptoms into five ranks by the use of different typography such as: The gradation is based on the frequency of the appearance of symptoms in the provers. Thus five mark medicines are most important and one mark least important.Note: The original gradation of Boenninghausen was only four. Boger Says in BBCR- all experienced homoeopaths pay great attention to modality. sleep thereafter. which are not mentioned in Kent (for example, Each sensation is a general rubric, which is followed by a group of medicines. N.A.D.C.V.S. CASES WORKED OUT WITH BOENNINGHAUSENS CHARACTERISTICS AND REPERTORY. This is unique The instant of Greatest Eclipse is easily calculated for total, annular and partial eclipses, and is the standard time used for comparing different eclipses with each other. A list of mental rubrics in Boenninghausens Characteristics and Repertory, not found in Kents repertory as main rubrics under Mind section are given below:Alcoholism AutomatismsAwkwardness (this rubric is found in Kents Repertory under Extremities)Beautiful, things lookBeclouded, dim BeseechingBeside, oneself being Blissful feeling (joy in Kent) Brainfag, exhaustion CarefreeCatalepsy (under Generalities in Kent)Clear headedClothes himself improperly Cold, frigidCollar, pulls at CommunicativeCompassion, sympathy (sympathetic in Kent)Comprehension, easyContradictory to speech, intentions are CrankinessDeath agony Deliberate Delicacy, feeling ofDisconsolate, unhappy Discordant Discourses, holdsDizziness and instability of Duality, sense of ExecrationsIll-humour, crossness Imitation, mimicking Impressionable InsecurityMurmuring, in sleep OveractiveParanoia Passionate Patient Peevish PensivePersecuted, feels Perseverance Playful Presentiments Profanity Resignation Rivalry SatyriasisSurly TaciturnTastes, everything TranceUnamiable, unfriendly UntidyRubrics in Boenninghausens Characteristics and Repertory by Boger not to be found in Synthetic Repertory as main rubrics: In general:Agitated (compare Excitement)Alcoholism, intoxication, etc (compare Delirium tremens)AphasiaAssembled things, swarms, crowds, etc, hallucinations ofAwkwardnessBad part, takes everything in; easily offended (compare Sensitiveness)BashfulBeautiful, things look Beclouded, dim Benumbed BeseechingBewildered, strange, everything seems, as if in a dream errors of locality, disordered orientationBold exhaustion Brain Buffoonery CallingCalmness, composure, tranquility, etc CarefreeCareless, heedless, etc ClearheadedClothes himself improperly Cold, frigidCollar, pulls atCompassion, sympathy (immoderate) Corner, mops or broods in a CrankinessDejection, despondency (compare Low spirits, Despair)Deliberate Delicacy, feeling ofDepression (compare Sadness)Disconsolate, unhappyDiscourses, holdsDissatisfied, discontent, wants this then thatDistracted, preoccupied, unobservant, difficult concentration, cant thinkDizziness and instability of (compare Variableness) Dogmatic, opinionated, etc (compare Haughty) Domineering, imperious (compare Importance) Drunken, sense ofDuality, sense ofExcitable (compare Irritable)Execrations Expressions, difficult Failure, feels himself aFaultfinding, reproachable, etcFerocity Finery, fond ofFlings away, what he holds in his hand, inclination to (compare Desired things)Fly out of her skin FretfulFuture, confounds the future with the past Gaiety, joyfulness (compare Liveliness) Gentle, mild, tenderGloomy (compare Melancholy)Grasps at others Groaning, moaningGuilt, sense of, (compare Remorse)Hands, clappingHeadstrong, obstinate, defiant, stubbornHeld, wants to be Homicidal, murder, etc.Ill-humour, crossness (compare Peevish)Illness, sense of sick feeling Illusions, delusions, visions, etcImaginations, fancies, fixed ideas (compare Illusions) Importance, feels his (compare Domineering) Indecision, hesitationInsults, imaginesIntellect, impaired, mental exhaustion, weakness of, etc. the case has strong causative modalities, general and particulars along with A patient, 45 years, male, married, presented with the following medical report:C/o: Difficulty in walking since 9 months.Patient complains of swaying to either side, with tendency to fall, since 9 months. From a practical point of view, The indicated remedies can hence easily be differentiated from one another other using this book at the bedside. It was published by Boericke and Tafel in 1905. Google+ This helps mainly in finding out a palliative drug, or a drug which is suitable in helping to overcome the present crisis. On consultation, it was diagnosed as some modalities and concomitants are marked. This process is called Evaluation of the Symptoms in Homeopathy. Stem: Boenninghausens concept of totality Recall Doctrine of generalization: He continued with the Hahnemannian concept that it is the whole patient who is sick, that the parts together make the whole and the whole consists of parts. remedies. Research Paper 1 Excerpt from S. K. Tiwari, Essentials of Repertorization Publisher: B. Jain Excerpted by Narayana Publishers, 79400 Kandern, Tel. Of course, it The arrangement of the chapter on Fever is self-explanatory. Constipated since childhood, takes hot water in the morning, which helps her. During the interview, unreasonable attendants of main symptoms are also noticed in relation to the time (before, during or after), which are called concomitants. This is one of the best repertories for fever cases. Even thereafter, Boger continued to work on the repertory; however, death snatched him away before he could give the final version. He has worked hard to collect concomitants from different sources namely provings, clinical experience and verifications which were not accessible to the profession earlier. However, he used the same gradation as that of BoenninghausenThe repertory embraces the psoric and the antipsoric repertories, the sides of body, the repertory part of the intermittent fever and of whooping cough as well as a large number of paragraphs from the aphorisms of Hippocrates.In order to understand the book, it is imperative to acquaint oneself with its plan, construction and arrangement. Case sheet Download. Therefore it meets the usual objections raised against Boenninghausens grand generalization.Each specific sensation is again attached to the sub- divisions of the main location. For total eclipses, the instant of Greatest Eclipse offers a good approximation (typically ~1-2 seconds) to the Greatest Duration of totality along the entire eclipse path. Let discuss three other masters concept of totality . Strange, peculiar, (* ?) Boenninghausens pioneering work was in great use during the second half of the nineteenth century, because it was the only work of its kind available to the practitioners. Please Subscribe Our YouTube Channel To Get Notification of Latest Homeopathy Jobs and Webinars. Boenninghausen first conceived the idea of clinical completing symptoms partly by analogy and partly by observation of curative effects. This subsection of time is given at the end of each section. During the interview unreasonable attendants of main symptoms are also noticed in relation to time which are called concomitants Rubrics, which contain smaller group of medicines, can be used only for reference purpose. However, with the publication of Kents repertory in 1897, it receded to the back stage. Kalium carbonicum, Sepia and Sulphur are running close in this list.Patient is chilly and her mental symptoms decide the prescription in favor of Sepia.Sepia 30 was prescribed.

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