while (xs.length < 5) xs = '0' + xs; 'Daddy' long-legs with eggs. 0.00. Click here to support NatureSpot by making a donation - small or large - your gift is very much appreciated. vc = http.responseText; y = -22500 + (1300000 - y * 2500); Nudge nudge Wanna see some pictures Here. http.onreadystatechange = function() { Its strategy is to remain motionless until a prey passes. Pholcus phalangioides (Daddy Longlegs Spider) from 4.50. padding: 20px; while (ys.length < 5) ys = '0' + ys; $('record-feedback').style.visibility= 'visible'; } However, frequent variations from this pattern have been documented during observations of the spiders' movements. Pholcus phalangioides is a very distinctive spider with its long legs. TeeJay 0; 4 Aug 2011 10:52 PM; I They throw silk at their victim and, once snared, will bite, envenomating their prey - they'll even go out hunting other spiders including Tegenaria species. Spider trembles and gyrates if disturbed. It is Pholcus phalangioides, the Daddy Long-leg Spider or Cellar Spider. var s = ''; (eds) 2002. border-style: solid; I hope this helps :-) I am joking because i don't like spiders either . var i = lxi + (lyi * 5); http.open('GET', qs, false); Today, several hang from underneath a wooden shelf in my outside toilet, including the male above. #record-feedback { Body length: up to 10mm. border-color: black; High up where the ceiling meets the wall, fine tangles of web are often the bane of the householder. border-width: 3px; A male showing its palps. } If disturbed, however, they will rapidly vibrate up and down in the web. } ; if ($('record-feedback-response').innerHTML == '! ys = ys.substr(0, 1); return false; ys = ys.substr(0, 3); Daddy long legs spider Pholcus phalangioides. The family of the Pholcidae normally inhabits warmer regions but Pholcus phalangioides is cosmopolitan finding shelter in the warmth of our houses. else { During the day they remain perfectly still and are usually ignored by people. Pholcus phalangioides is an eight-eyed spider, which is a pale yellow-brown except for a gray patch in the center of the cephalothorax. The largest known pholcid species in the world, Artema atlanta, is only 11 mm (0.43 mm) long. function hectad(e, n) { Online Date. The body and legs are almost translucent. Classification . sku: phol. tarantula leg span 3cm - 4.5cm. var qs = 'custom/vice-county-10k.php?u=&x=&o=' + '&square=' + sq; border-width: 3px; } It is also known as the skull spider due its cephalothorax resembling a human skull. Availability World wide. if ($('ff').q4.checked) { if (c != '') c += ', '; c += $('ff').q4.value;} 5.00. Quick Facts. $('record').innerHTML = ''; if (http.status == 200) { padding-top: 10px; As it makes an untidy web in the corners of ceilings it is not usually permitted a permanent abode in such conspicuous situations but it has no difficulty in surviving where there is a limited tolerance by house owners. Provisional atlas of British spiders (Arachnida, Araneae), Volumes 1 & 2. function cf() { The Pholcus family of spiders normally prefer warmer climes but this species is widespread and common in Britain, though fewer records come from Scotland. d = $('ff').recid.value; if ($('ff').q3.checked) { if (c != '') c += ', '; c += $('ff').q3.value;} } Thank you. try { function hidecursor() { function hectadcursor(x, y) { Nudge nudge Wanna see some pictures Here. 0.00. padding: 10px; $('ff').recid.value = id; $('cursor').innerHTML = hectadcursor(x, y); else { qs = qs + "&s=" + s; function seeka(e) { This is one of Britain's largest spiders. ret = http.responseText; var d = ''; $('record-feedback-response').innerHTML = 'Thank you for providing feedback'; Coloured circles = NatureSpot records: 2020+ | 2015-2019 | pre-2015, Leicestershire Amphibian & Reptile Network, Market Bosworth & District Natural History Society, Natural History Section, Leicester Literary & Philosophical Society, Leicestershire & Rutland Swift Partnership. tarantula leg span 1.5cm - 3cm. They hang upside down on the web and if disturbed will shake violently. right: 0px; var taxon = str.replace(" ","+"); $('record-feedback-response').style.visibility= 'hidden'; Most of the time Pholcus can be found hanging upside down in a loose web in the corner of the ceiling. Pholcus phalangioides, known as the longbodied cellar spider or the skull spider due to its cephalothorax looking like a human skull, is a spider of the family Pholcidae. var qs = 'recordfeedback.php?issue=' + c; It spins its web at night ready for the next day's hunting. Pssst! References, Recorded management for locations with Pholcus phalangioides, Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Pholcus phalangioides, See also A-Z Species Index - A-Z Picture Index - previous species | next species. Release x = e.clientX - elementX($('distmap')) + pageScrollX(e); They carry their eggs in their mouths and have been seen feeding their young. $('record-feedback-response').innerHTML = '! Pholcus phalangioides may be described as an opportunistic predator with the ability to modify its predatory behaviour and web structure when occupying human dwellings; incidentally, it is this adaptability which makes the species such a good laboratory subject. $('ff').q1.checked = false; x = -105000 + (x * 2500); $('status').innerHTML = 'Looking for records'; while (ys.length < 5) ys = '0' + ys; if (http.readyState == 4) { if(vc != 0) { Pssst! The cellar spider, Pholcus phalangioides, also known as the skull spider due to its cephalothorax looking like a human skull, is a spider of the family Pholcidae. xs = xs.substr(0, 3); http.send(null); The cellar spider, Pholcus phalangioides, also known as the skull spider due to its cephalothorax looking like a human skull, is a spider of the family Pholcidae. Huntingdon: Biological Records Centre. Listen to the audio pronunciation of Pholcus phalangioides on pronouncekiwi How To Pronounce Pholcus phalangioides: Pholcus phalangioides pronunciation + Definition Sign in to disable ALL ads. Sometimes called the 'Long-legged Cellar Spider' it is relatively easy to identify due to the very long legs and cylindrical body. var ret = ''; Pholcus phalangioides with egg sac crawling on my bath room wall. var id = null; // record feedback functions Females have a body length of about 9 mm; males are slightly smaller. S. Body length: 1.5mm (male); 2mm (female). qs = qs + "&o=&u="; if ($('ff').q2.checked) { if (c != '') c += ', '; c += $('ff').q2.value;} $('record').innerHTML = http.responseText; Daddy longlegs spider {Pholcus phalangiodes} in basin plughole, UK. window.location="portal.php/p/Distribution/s/" + escape(taxon) + "/o/" + vc + "/u//x/"; while (xs.length < 5) xs = '0' + xs; x = -105000 + (x * 2500); try { http.send(null); } They had come from outside into my cellar and then transferred in boxes of bricabrac to the garage. var lyi = Math.floor(((Math.floor(n / 1000) % 100) % 10) / 2); } function showcursor(e) { } $('record-feedback').style.visibility= 'hidden'; The male spider can copulate when it is one year old. if (c != '') { if (!e) var e = window.event; Pholcid spider webs. return false; } A large spider, but with a very small greyish body and long thin legs. This male above was found crawling over the wall in the Loire region of France. var xs = Math.floor(x % 100000).toString(); xs = xs.substr(0, 1); padding-top: 6px; This male above was found crawling over the wall in the Loire region of France. Pholcus phalangioides, the Daddy long-legs spider You may have spotted one of these spiders on your ceiling or upper walls of a room. catch (e) { } tarantula leg span to 1.5cm. var c = ''; var ys = Math.floor(y % 100000).toString(); Mike. tarantula leg span to 1.5cm. if ($('ff').notes.value != '') { if (c != '') c += ', '; c += $('ff').notes.value;} function seekvc(e) { The females are about 8 mm in length and males 6 mm. } function showrecord(id) { x = e.clientX - elementX($('distmap')) + pageScrollX(e); } Females have a body length of about 9 mm; males are slightly smaller. else { $('records').innerHTML = http.responseText; if (http.readyState == 4) { ), which is commonly found in many spider species. if (!e) var e = window.event; var x = 0, y = 0; } the national recording schemes for spiders and harvestmen in Britain. One species in particular, Pholcus phalangioides, is particularly comfortable living in houses and other buildings, and so has been spread all around the world by people moving around. var qs = 'custom/record-fb-test.php?s=Pholcus phalangioides&u=&x=' + '&id=' + id; $('ff').q3.checked = false; 7.00. function saf() { The females are about 8 mm in length and males 6 mm. } Most people don't realise that you don't have to leave the house to witness wildlife in action.Most toilets and cellars of our homes are inhabited by one of the most elusive hunters in the animal kingdom. In the UK they tend to be found indoors or in cellars as far north as Dundee, although they do not thrive in centrally heated rooms, as the atmosphere is too dry. } Its legs are about 5 or 6 times the length of var x = 0, y = 0; var vc = ''; var buf =''; $('cursor').innerHTML = '&' + 'nbsp;
'; $('status').innerHTML = '&' + 'nbsp;'; } previous species | next species } catch (e) { } I live in UK. Please report any problems with this record: Adult Season Data (based on 914 records with adult season information), Broad Habitat Data (based on 1339 records with habitat information), Broad subhabitat Data (based on 31 records with subhabitat information), Structural Habitat Data (based on 18 records with structural habitat information), Habitat Detail and Method (based on 619 records with habitat detail and method information), Daddy long-legs spider carrying egg sac 06.09.18, Pholcus phalangioides carrying eggs bathroom, Pholcus phalangioides eggs with developing Spiderlings, Pholcus phalangioides (Pholcidae) subadult, Spider and Harvestman Recording Scheme website. y = -22500 + (1300000 - y * 2500); These spiders are effective predators of household pests including other spiders. position: relative; Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin, 1775) Cobweb Spider species Accepted Name authority: UKSI Establishment means: Non-native Establishment status: GB Establishment Status - Established }, View notes or log on and add a note on this species. comm.). if ($('ff').q1.checked) c = $('ff').q1.value; Nothing was selected or explained') { vertical-align: middle; In this country Pholcus phalangioides is found almost exclusively in buildings where it can benefit from the shelter and warmth provided (please note that the broad habitat chart below includes habitats where the spider has been recorded from buildings or huts in these habitats, but the records have not been separated out from these habitats or subhabitats). Perhaps it's just one Pholcus phalangioides with a homing instinct, try giving it some lunch wrapped in a road map. gs = ng100k(x, y); var xs = Math.floor(e % 100000).toString(); return false; They are only found inside buildings, particularly in southern England. visibility: hidden; Pholcus phalangioides, known as the longbodied cellar spider or the skull spider due to its cephalothorax looking like a human skull, is a spider of the family Pholcidae. 0.00. } Most common house spiders in UK. border-style: solid; qs = qs + "&id=" + d; tarantula leg span 1.5cm - 3cm. return ng100k(e, n) + xs + ys; http.open('GET', qs, true); top: 100px; Females have a body length of about 9 mm; males are slightly smaller. Pholcus phalangioides (Daddy Longlegs Spider) from 4.50. Bristowe (1958) showed that Pholcus inhabits houses where the average temperature throughout the year exceeds 50F (10C), and north of this the spider is normally confined to cellars where temperature varies little with the seasons and is usually about 50 to 52F. Their horizontal webs are large, loose and flat, but they can make them any shape to fit into surrounding objects. Only a few species occur in Michigan, but they are common in basements and unused buildings. In Suffolk a female survived the winter in one of a row of free standing garages, when the night time temperature went well below freezing sometimes for a week or so (J. Daws, pers. Pholcus phalangioides often uses an alternating tetrapod gait (first right leg, then second left leg, then third right leg, etc. var ys = Math.floor(n % 100000).toString(); var lxi = Math.floor(((Math.floor(e / 1000) % 100) % 10) / 2); return false; Adults can be found mature in most months of the year, with possible peaks in males during late spring and autumn. http.open('GET', qs, true); They prefer the warm and constant temperatures of our homes, garages and sheds, and are rarely found outdoors as they cannot survive winter temperatures. Pages in category "Pholcus phalangioides" This category contains only the following page. Recording the wildlife of Leicestershire and Rutland. Kingdom Animalia Phylum Arthropoda Class Arachnida Order Araneae Infraorder - Araneomorphae Family - Pholcidae Diet . } } $('ff').q4.checked = false; Photograph: Richard Hammerton/ GuardianWitness. Cardinal Spider (Tegenaria parietina) The Cardinal Spider can be huge, growing up $('ff').notes.value = ''; Pholcus phalangioides, using natural variation in body size between juveniles and adults. else { It is one of the few species of spider that has acquired a vernacular name, being known as the daddy long legs spider because of its long legs. x = e.clientX - elementX($('distmap')) + pageScrollX(e); catch (e) { } $('status').innerHTML = 'Records in ' + hectad(x, y) + ':'; var qs = 'custom/records-scheme-10k-test.php?u=&x=' + '&s=' + escape('Pholcus phalangioides') + '&xpos=' + x + '&ypos=' + y; Mark Bowler. var http = ajax(); Pholcus phalangioides by Martin Atkins. return false; var http = ajax(); uk.Pholcus phalangioides (Cellar spider) tarantula leg span 7cm + tarantula leg span 4.5cm - 7cm. The claim is the Daddy Long Legs (Pholcus phalangioides) spider is the most venomous spider in the world, but that its fangs are too small to be able to penetrate human skin.The wikipedia article calls it an urban myth and links through to some supposed "research", but its just some guy claiming: This allowed me to study effects of brain size on memory content and memory duration without potential confounding effects of cross-species differences in behavior. Females have a body length of about 9 mm; males are slightly smaller. Perhaps it's just one Pholcus phalangioides with a homing instinct, try giving it some lunch wrapped in a road map. At the same time, it $('ff').taxon.value = s; 01257595. } Rights Royalty Free Rights Managed. Scientific name: Pholcus phalangioides Size: Head and body 10mm long Distribution: Found throughout the U.K. catch (e) { } uk.Pholcus phalangioides (Cellar spider) tarantula leg span 7cm + tarantula leg span 4.5cm - 7cm. $('record-feedback-response').style.visibility= 'hidden'; Quick Facts. But I wasn't prepared whe I saw so many of them! gs = gs + xs + ys + ' ' + '(' + hectad(x, y) + ')'; Season: all year round. var str = "Pholcus phalangioides"; 7.00. } ; Daddy long legs spider - Pholcus phalangioides Overall size: up to 45mm. if (!e) var e = window.event; top: 50px; This species is cosmopolitan but has recently expanded its range northwards in the UK, and it is almost always found associated to buildings. Its legs are about 5 or 6 times the length of & Telfer, M.G. } ; visibility: hidden; height: 230px; s = $('ff').taxon.value; Daddy long legs spider (Pholcus phangioides) close-up of head, UK - Stephen Dalton Habitat. tarantula leg span 3cm - 4.5cm. Suspended upside down in these fine silken strands is a long-legged spider, Pholcus phalangioides, the Daddy Long-legs Spider. span.yellow {background-color:#FFFF00 } The long-bodied cellar spider, Pholcus phalangioides, is a very common find in basements throughout the world. position: absolute; $('record').innerHTML = ''; Pholcus phalangioides is an eight-eyed spider, which is a pale yellow-brown except for a gray patch in the center of the cephalothorax. else gs = "
"; Suspended upside down in these fine silken strands is a long-legged spider, Pholcus phalangioides, the Daddy Long-legs Spider.During the day they remain perfectly still and are usually ignored by people. y = -22500 + (1300000 - y * 2500); } Identification difficulty. Photographer. Pholcus phalangioides, known as the longbodied cellar spider or the skull spider due to its cephalothorax looking like a human skull, is a spider of the family Pholcidae. position: absolute; TeeJay 0; 4 Aug 2011 10:52 PM; I } right: 0px; text-align: center; $('record-feedback').style.visibility= 'visible'; var http = ajax(); return false; Image number. The mating ritual is similar to the ritual of the six-eyed spiders (Haplogynae). try { http.send(null); } Pholcus phalangioides: Copulation. This fragile-looking little spider can often be seen lurking in the } if (http.readyState == 4) { y = e.clientY - elementY($('distmap')) + pageScrollY(e); var sq = hectad(x, y); function af(id, s) { $('record-feedback-response').style.visibility= 'hidden'; return false; $('record-feedback-response').style.visibility= 'visible'; A large spider, but with a very small greyish body and long thin legs. In the UK they tend to be found indoors or in cellars as far north as Dundee, although they do not thrive in centrally heated rooms, as the atmosphere is too dry. Hides by day; hunts by night on walls Mike. } function cx() { Richard Jones: There have been lots of stories about deadly spiders invading the UK, but the arachnids were most likely to meet wont bite. width: 370px; background-color: #F5F5DC; return gs; var dinty = 'AFKQVBGLRWCHMSXDINTYEJPUZ'; background-color: #F5F5DC; sku: phol. Photograph: Chris Woodward/ GurdianWitness if (gs != '') { datasets have provided data to the NBN Atlas for this species.. Browse the list of datasets and find organisations you can join if you are interested in participating in a survey for species like Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin, 1775) } display: block; 0.00. var x = 0, y = 0; Scientific name: Pholcus phalangioides Size: Head and body 10mm long Distribution: Found throughout the U.K. The long-bodied cellar spider, Pholcus phalangioides, is a very common find in basements throughout the world. Text based on Harvey, P.R., Nellist, D.R. It particularly favours undisturbed parts of houses such as cellars and bathrooms where it can establish large colonies beneath baths and shower-trays. } #record-feedback-response { Pholcus phalangioides is a very distinctive spider with its long legs. http.onreadystatechange = function() { 5.00. Pholcus phalangioides, commonly known as daddy long-legs spider or long-bodied cellar spider, is a spider of the family Pholcidae. $('ff').q2.checked = false; This species was introduced to North America, and now inhabits a small area of Arizona and California. Cellar spiders are usually dull in color, and less than 0.5 inches in body length. Pholcus phalangioides; Media in category "Pholcus phalangioides" The following 184 files are in this category, out of 184 total. Daddy long legs spider - Pholcus phalangioides Overall size: up to 45mm. Pholcus phalangioides The Daddy-long-legs spider in 3D by Wim van Egmond, the Netherlands. Its legs are about 5 or 6 times the length of its body (reaching up to 7 cm of leg span in females). http.onreadystatechange = function() { y = e.clientY - elementY($('distmap')) + pageScrollY(e); } } border-color: black; Its common name of "daddy long-legs" should not be confused with a different arachnid group with the same common name, the harvestman (Opiliones). var http = ajax(); $('record-feedback').style.visibility= 'hidden'; Restricted to houses; lurks in corners and traps house spiders by flinging silk at them. Nothing was selected or explained'; #record-popup { The body and legs are almost translucent. Habitat and ecologyIn this country Pholcus phalangioides is found almost exclusively in buildings where it can benefit from the shelter and warmth provided (please note that the broad habitat chart below includes habitats where the spider has been recorded from buildings or huts in these habitats, but the records have not been separated out from these habitats or subhabitats). y = e.clientY - elementY($('distmap')) + pageScrollY(e); .record-feedback-option { On the other hand the females are excellent mothers. Season: all year round. width: 370px; padding-bottom: 6px; This is the only spider species described by the Swiss entomologist Johann Kaspar Fssli, who first recorded it in 1775. Enter a town or village to see local records, Yellow squares = NBN records (all known data) 16 Feb 2010 12:00 am. try { http.send(null); } display: block; I entered my garage (July 2008) and found it infested with 1000s and 1000s of Cellar Spiders Pholcus phalangioides. They are also cannibalistic - eating each other if food is scarce. Open webs between wall and ceiling built by this lanky building-dweller. Pholcus phalangioides (2 C, 1 P, 184 F) Media in category "Pholcus" The following 19 files are in this category, out of 19 total. x = -105000 + (x * 2500); The weather has been warm and damp so ideal conditions for breeding - but on this scale? http.open('GET', qs, true); House spider (Tegenaria species) Daddy long legs (Pholcus phalangioides) Zebra jumping (Salticus scenicus) Lace web (Amaurobius species) False widow (Steatoda grossa) Missing sector orb web (Zygiella x-notata) Evidence of cats being bitten by spiders. Females have a body length of about 9 mm; males are slightly smaller. Part of. I hope this helps :-) I am joking because i don't like spiders either . Particularly fond of houses and out-buildings where it is usually found. In UK? They prefer the warm and constant temperatures of our homes, garages and sheds, and are rarely found outdoors as they cannot survive winter temperatures. }

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