Gonzalo convinces them it will be safe by observing that explorers are always uncovering amazing things, and that this banquet must be Answer:Most of what we learn of Prosperos character is conveyed in what he tells Miranda, beginning with his assertion that he acts in her interests. Prospero and his daughter were placed in a small, rickety boat and put out to sea. Forgiveness and Reconciliation in The Tempest Many scholars argue that, along with Shakespeare's other late romances, The Tempest is a play about reconciliation, forgiveness, and faith in future generations to seal such reconciliation. Eventually, Prospero and Miranda arrived on the island, where they have remained since that time. Prospero, the title character in Shakespeares last play, The Tempest, is betrayed, stripped of his title of Duke, banished from his city in a small boat, with only his two-year-old daughter and his favorite books.This act of betrayal causes him to seeth for many years and seek revenge. The scene rashmidevi752aa rashmidevi752aa 06.09.2020 English Secondary School answered 5. A sympathetic Neapolitan, Gonzalo, provided them with rich garments, linens, and other necessities. Prospero has also entered, but because of his magic is invisible. Moreover while Gonzalo is a goodhearted manhe helped Prospero to survive when he was exiled, and he is deeply loyal to his kinghe is not a particularly perceptive or effective person, and he is not able to do much practical good. Eventually, they came ashore onto their present island. An old, honest lord, Gonzalo helped Prospero and Miranda to escape after Antonio usurped Prospero's title. The spirit Ariel turned into a gentle breeze and blew the boat to land. Miranda, far from being troubled, gave Prospero the energy and determination to keep up with the journey on the wobbling ship. How did Prospero and Miranda survive the journey to the island? For example, Shakespeares portrayal of the catastrophic storm that opens the play probably derives from reports of a shipwreck that occurred in Bermuda in 1609. Gonzalo also provided Prospero with books from his library. Prosperos friend Gonzalo took pity on him, helping him by bringing him food and his magic books so he would survive the journey. Prospero's evil brother antonio sent them and gonzalo on a boat to die, but they wash up on the island insted and gonzalo brought prospero's magic book and food woth him. answer choices Gonzalo had kindly provided the boat with clothes, food, water, and supplies. SURVEY . Tags: Question 11 . However, while it is clear that the theme of forgiveness is at the heart of the drama, what is up for debate is to what extent the author realizes this forgiveness. What qualities did Prospero Although The Tempest portrays a fantastical world of fairies, magic, and monsters, Shakespeare most likely used a variety of factual sources in writing the play. The men marvel at the strange sight of the spirits and banquet, but are unsure whether it is safe to eat. He did.

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