The Plains They also made use of the animal furs for warmer winter clothing. Baskets were used to collect food, like berries. Medicine bundles were buried with the owner or Men's Traditional Dance played an important role in ceremonies and celebrations. introduction | tipi | THE VISION QUEST quiet, lonely place. When called upon to help someone who was ill, he A mandella was thought to bring good luck and happiness to the Hunting Dance In the center of the lodge was a pit. A young man would go on a vision quest. four things above the earth - sun, moon, sky, stars DRUMS Some pipes were made of wood or of a special kind of stone. The ceremony was a combination of fire, wood, water and stone. Shirts were usually made out of animal skins, and some groups, like the Ktunaxa, decorate their shirts with long fringes. Birds, animals or symbols were painted on the shield and served to protect the the smoke over the body. Medicine bundles were buried with the owner or They had ceremonies to honour the Great Spirit. For example, the images on this young girl's dress were painted to tell a story. The Plateau State Inter-Religious Council (IRC) on Monday said government and religious bodies are on trial in the public court of the state. SIGN LANGUAGE four things above the earth - sun, moon, sky, stars played an important role in ceremonies and celebrations. tipi | four kinds of animals - insect life (small life forms), water and sky life, two and four legged animals, humanity links | Tobacco and red willow bark were used to fill the pipe. The ceremony was a combination of fire, wood, water and stone. Dentalia shells, ochre paint, porcupine quills, seeds, and feathers were also used as decoration. with all of creation. The concept of Relationship is integral to Aboriginal spiritual traditions. owner. links | Moccasins were often beaded for decoration. Tobacco and red willow bark were used to fill the pipe. The vision or dream came as a sign from a guiding spirit. introduction | played an important role in ceremonies and celebrations. MANDELLA Smudging meant taking the smoke in one's hands and rubbing or brushing The natural world is alive, intelligent and integrated with humankind. A medicine bundle would be prepared with tokens to represent the Explorers and fur traders also used sign language. guiding spirit. Some other dances - The buffalo was a sacred animal to the Plains First Nations because it provided them with clothing, food, shelter, tools, etc. It was opened on special occasions. People sang and danced to the beat of the drum. dances, burnt sage and sweet grass and prayed to the spirits. Some were painted and trimmed with Headdresses were used to represent a person's status within the community. THE SUN DANCE SWEAT LODGE Each tribe had different variations of They believed they were put on this land to protect and look after When the Plains Peoples gathered together and feasted, storytelling played an important part. warrior. The most important are coyote, horses and deer. DREAM CATCHERS The First Nations (French: Premires Nations [pmj nsj]) are groups of Canadian indigenous peoples, who are classified as distinct from the Inuit and Mtis. often took the form of an animal. A Sacred Fire is normally lit for 4 days and nights with a Fire Keeper in attendance at all times. Historically, the Plateau people of Canada were divided into three main groups: the Athapascan, Interior Salish, and Ktunaxa. Mandellas are similar to the shield and were It was a very precious possession which THE MEDICINE MAN (SHAMAN) clothing | Grass Dance (Sioux) During adolescence all Plateau people went alone on spiritual vigils. Shields were round and made from the four elements (of the universe) - earth, air, fire, water DRUMS The circle has no beginning or end. It gave the people of the Plateau great comfort and courage to know a magical being was on their side, looking out for them personally. The vision or dream came as a sign from a guiding spirit. Medicine bundles were buried with the owner or Dreams held much meaning to the Plains People. It involved singing and dancing, fasting, and spiritual visions. Some pipes were made of wood or of a special kind of stone. The people had a strong spiritual relationship with nature, and held animals in high regard. Medicine bundles were buried with the owner or credits for graphics and information Grass Dance (Sioux) Ceremonies were held to name a

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