Odysseus finds a chance to confides in Philoetius and Eumaeus and include them in his plans for revenge. 2. He beats. What special deed does Athene do for the newly-reunited Penelope and Odysseus? What cars have the most expensive catalytic converters? So, he advised the king to call for an oath, the Oath of Tyndareus, according to which all suitors would protect the groom What is the strategy behind Odysseus first shot? She may have been Queen of Ithaca, but she had little actual power. The structure of the contest section is especially effective. She would marry whoever could Telemachus has sent her away. This is Antinous immediately feels threatened. Did I never give her love cried Miss Havisham turning wildly to me did I never give her a burning love inseparable from jealousy at all times and from sharp pain while she? Delays the dawn. Although the suitors abuse an important social tradition of hospitality, Penelope lacks the natural, social, and familial protections that would enable her to remove them from her house. What are the illustrated traditions and/or cultures found in the novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude"? What challenge does Penelope create for the suitors? 2. Why do the suitors want to marry Penelope? Essentially, Penelope was fulfilling the expected cultural role of a generous host, whereas the suitors were breaking their role as courteous guests. He beats Penelope's challenge for the suitors, which was that whoever can string Odysseus's bow and shoot it through 12 axe handles can have her hand i marrige. The challenge that Penelope sets out for the suitors involves. The Odyssey. What does the suitor who completes the challenge win? Penelope issues her challenge to the suitors, but none of the men can bend the bow to string it. How many mm long would a six second ECG readout be? A cautious Penelope, sought after by many clever suitors, uses the bed that she and Odysseus shared for so many years to trick Odysseus into proving his identity. Does Hermione die in Harry Potter and the cursed child? In book 21, Penelope goes to the upper chamber of the palace to retrieve Odysseus's famous bow, several arrows, and twelve ax heads. Athena often comes to her in dreams to reassure or comfort her, for Penelope would otherwise spend her nights weeping in her bed. What does Telemachus prophecy to Penelope. Each day she works on it, They have wasted a lot of his wealth, by living at his expense during his absence. Summary: Book 21. Penelope And Odysseus Relationship Essay 854 Words | 4 Pages. Copyright 2021 FindAnyAnswer All rights reserved. In Book 21 of 'The Odyssey,' Penelope gets Odysseus' bow and arrow from a closet for a contest for her suitors. Why does Odysseus test His servants and wife? They recklessly disregard the property and they rape and seduce Penelopes Maids. Then he hypocritically praises Odysseus, the king he otherwise mocks and hopes to replace. According to Penelope, Antinous was the first Suitor that Odysseus shot when he returned to Ithaca, and Antinous turned into a corpse to show Penelope his contempt for Odysseus wants revenge on the suitors. The correct answer to this question is his skill as a marksman. While Odysseus and Telemachus only have Eumaeus and a servant on their side, they also have a hidden weapon in Athena, disguised as She was the daughter of Icarius and Periboea. What was special about Odysseus and Penelope? An extensive list of Penelope's suitors is given in the Bibliotheca. First Penelope introduces the idea, which is news to the suitors. Penelope didn't have a choice. Because of her efforts to put off remarriage, Having come to Ithaca, he drove away some of the cattle, and when, Once Odysseus returns home (whom Athena initially disguises as a beggar so he can plot his revenge in secret), his son Telemachus tells him that there are, In Book IXX, the nurse accidentally discovers, He tells Telemachus to "go at early morning at once home, and join the audacious, How is Theoclymenus treated when he arrives at. Under the pretense of courting Penelope, these youths, called "the suitors", take up residence in Odysseus' home and vie for her hand in marriage. Penelope held a contest for the suitors: Whoever could string Odysseus' bow and fire an arrow through twelve axe handles would be able to marry her. Numerous suitors, believing Odysseus to be dead, have been continually seeking the hand of his wife, Penelope, in marriage, while overrunning Odysseus palace and enjoying themselves at Penelopes expense. Penelope gets Odysseuss bow out of the storeroom and announces that she will marry the suitor who can string it and then shoot an arrow through a line of twelve axes. But Odysseus returned and no one of them escaped the palace alive. In Homer's The Odyssey, for how long does Penelope deceive the suitors? Like a tree, solid and long-lasting, Odysseus and Penelope refuse to uproot themselves and join with another partner to create a new family. When Telemachus is an adult, Odysseus returns disguised as a beggar. And of course she feared that antagonizing the suitors in He attacks his underlings, Eumaeus and Philoetius, a safe way for him to let out aggression. In Book 21 of 'The Odyssey,' Penelope gets Odysseus' bow and arrow from a closet for a contest for her suitors. Penelope didn't have a choice. Lines 1330- 1349 Penelope tells of her failed plot to draw out her time by weaving a mourning shroud, but unweaving it every night What does Odysseus order Telemachus to do to the disloyal maids? answer choices will be allowed to kill Odysseus. Penelope is very loyal to Odysseus right to the were end of the odyssey as she has lots of suitors and does not pick any or give in to the temptation that is around with the increasing advances of the suitors, they are continually throwing themselves at her in an attempt to make her their bride. Q. Penelope held a contest for the suitors: Whoever could string To stop treating the beggar like that. 6 What does Penelope wish would happen to Antinous? The Suitors feast every day at Ithaca, eating away at Odysseuss fortune and Telemachus s inheritance. The suitors warm and grease the bow to make it supple, but one by one they all try and fail. SUITORS OF PENELOPE are called those who wished to marry Penelope and living in the palace of Odysseus consumed his wealth at their feasts during his absence. What challenge does Penelope give the suitors in order to claim her as their bride? What is the name of the process of liquid water changing into water vapor due to heating? And of course she feared that antagonizing the suitors in 7 What does Penelopes housekeeper pray for? Homer, Odyssey 16.106). He attacks his underlings, Eumaeus and Philoetius, a safe way for him to let out aggression. Telemachus sets up the axes and then tries his own hand at the bow, but fails in his attempt to string it. She tests Odysseus by ordering her servant Eurycleia to move their marriage bed. To trick the ithicans to thinking Penelope has married one of the suitors. Though her love for Odysseus is unyielding, she responds to the suitors with some indecision. The bed, carved from a tree that has its roots in the foundation of the house itself, is immovable, much like Odysseus and Penelope's loyalty to each other. When giving rescue breaths to a child you should give 1 breath about every? Tags: Question 21 . man enough to marry her. Whoever could string Odysseus' bow and fire an arrow through twelve axe handles would be able to marry her. Why doesnt lightning travel in a straight line? The Odyssey: The Suitors and Penelope's Challenge Literary Devices Song Lines 1350-1359 The beggar tells Penelope that Odysseus will be home soon. He beats Penelope's challenge for the suitors, which was that whoever can string Odysseus's bow and shoot it through 12 axe handles can have her hand i marrige. Why does Odysseus not tell Penelope who he is? younger. Around 23 suitors had previously returned home. After Odysseus returns home, he meets with Penelope in secret where she organizes a contest where the person who can string Odysseus' bow will become his successor. This is a trick Odysseus did when he was She will marry the suitor who can send an arrow straight through the sockets of twelve axe heads lined in a Moreover, how does Odysseus test the suitors? What are the reasons Odysseus provides for killing the suitors? Like a tree, solid and long-lasting, Odysseus and Penelope refuse to uproot themselves and join with another partner to create a new family. SURVEY . Telemachus sets up the axes and then tries his own hand at the bow, but fails in his attempt to string it. ODYSSEUS REVENGE 1. Who does Odysseus kill first? Odysseus and Telemachus face great odds when they take on the 108 suitors vying for Penelopes hand at the palace. Why did Patrick Henry say give me liberty? 3. How many novels did Charles Dickens write? THE CHALLENGE 1. When he returns in disguise, she offers him the challenge. How many signers of the Declaration of Independence became president? What does the word expression mean in this paragraph ( i-Ready lesson)? Odysseus' bow and fire an arrow through twelve axe handles would be Penelope tells her suitors that she will marry when she has completed weaving a shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes. he will be hit by apolo bow shot. Odysseus tests the suitors by begging for food from each one. What book does Odysseus sleep with Circe? She may have been Queen of Ithaca, but she had little actual power. The structure of the contest section is especially effective. shooting an apple off the head of Telemachus. Who wins Penelope's challenge? In book 21, Penelope decides to hold an archery contest and places twelve ax heads in a line. Penelope gets Odysseuss bow out of the storeroom and announces that she will marry the suitor who can string it and then shoot an arrow through a line of twelve axes. 30 seconds . Odysseus and Telemachus face great odds when they take on the 108 suitors vying for Penelopes hand at the palace. String Odysseus' bow and shoot through twelve axes. The man who can string Odysseus' bow and shoot an arrow through 12 ax handles can marry her. Moreover, they are plotting to murder Odysseus son, Telemachus, before he can inherit The king himself had carved the bed as a young man, shaping it out of a living olive tree that grew in the courtyard of the palace. More importantly, by taking advantage of his absence, the suitors have insulted Odysseus and damaged his reputation. How do the other suitors react when Odysseus kills the first suitor? The bed is a permanent piece of furniture, representing the stability of the marriage between Odysseus and Penelope. 0. Antinous immediately feels threatened. 5/7/2018 1 Review The Suitors, Penelope, The Challenge 5 What is the warning that the other suitors tell Antinous at this point? One may also ask, what challenge does Penelope create for the suitors? The Suitors feast every day at Ithaca, eating away at Odysseuss fortune and Telemachus s inheritance. The bed is a permanent piece of furniture, representing the stability of the marriage between Odysseus and Penelope. Also Know, what challenge does Penelope create for the suitors? However, behind Penelopes back, the Suitors talk about how Penelope is old and ugly, and they admit to only pursuing Penelope for her considerable dowry. To add on she gave a challenge to the suitors on an impossible task about shooting an arrow with Odysseus' bow. How does Penelopes portrayal differ from the [] What figure of speech is used in the lines "Not yet Rizal, not yet" in Like the Molave? What happens after Odysseus kills the suitors? When the suitors for the hand of Helen were gathered at the court of Tyndareus, Odysseus realised that the odds were very slim that he would become Helen 's future husband. What challenge does Penelope give the suitors in order to claim her as their bride? What challenge does Penelope create for the suitors? She came up with another ruse, an archery contest. First Penelope introduces the idea, which is news to the suitors. Odysseus is described as short-legged, barrel-chested, and extremely clever. able to marry her. She declares that she will marry the suitor who can string the bow and shoot an arrow through twelve axes. Which character traits does Penelope reveal in Part Two: prudence, loyalty: Which of Odysseuss traits allows him triumph in the bow-and-arrow challenge that Penelope sets for her suitors: skill as a marksman: Why does Calypso allow Odysseus to leave her island: Hermes told her Zeus ordered it Which challenge does Penelope give the suitors to choose her new husband? While Odysseus and Telemachus only have Eumaeus and a servant on their side, they also have a hidden weapon in Athena, disguised as 2 Educator answers. This source does not appear to fully respect the Homeric tradition, as the numbers are different and not all of those named in the Odyssey appear in the Bibliotheca. What does the suitor who completes the challenge win? In which country was President Clinton's goal to use force to restore a democratically elected leader to power? Under the pretext of courting Penelope, the suitors proceed to spend their days at Odysseus' house, feasting on the livestock. They recklessly disregard the property and they rape and seduce Penelopes Maids. What do you think book fifteen in the Wings of Fire series be called and whose perspective? Rather than simply rejecting the suitors, Penelope devises a plan to delay their courtship. Penelope is in a very dangerous situation when the suitors begin invading her house and asking and then demanding her hand in marriage. Whom does Penelope believe is responsible for the murder of the suitors? As he listens, she asks Eurycleia to move the bedstead out of the couple's chamber and spread it with blankets. After he is successful, he kills his wife's suitors. Because she resists remarriage and does everything she can to avoid it, Penelope Which statement is true with regard to the early history of Greece? To assure herself of Odysseus' identity, Penelope tests him. still disguised as a beggar. Penelope is in a very dangerous situation when the suitors begin invading her house and asking and then demanding her hand in marriage. When Telemachus is an adult, Odysseus returns disguised as a beggar. What was Odysseus plan to kill the suitors? When Odysseus returns to Ithaca, he and Telemachus kill all of the Then he hypocritically praises Odysseus, the king he otherwise mocks and hopes to replace. answer choices . , What challenge does Penelope give to the suitors?, Who are the servants that stay loyal to Odysseus?, Why does Penelope cry over Odysseus's bow?, How is Odysseus treated by the suitors disguised as a beggar?, What can be foreshadowed for book #22? However, behind Penelopes back, the Suitors talk about how Penelope is old and ugly, and they admit to only pursuing Penelope for her considerable dowry. All men loyal to Odysseus had followed him to Troy, she simply had no way of forcing the suitors to leave the palace. Penelope says that no one was dealt, because of the Trojan War, a heavier blow than her. He has a deep voice that contributes to his profound powers of persuasion and his superior storytelling abilities. Penelope was the wife of the hero Odysseus in Greek mythology. Athena must distract her, for instance, so that she does not discover Odysseuss identity when Eurycleia is washing him. She declares that she will marry the suitor who can string the bow and shoot an arrow through twelve axes. Herein, how does Odysseus test the suitors? What challenge does Penelope give all of the men? But then Penelope's ruse was discovered and the suitors demanded a decision. When Odysseus returns, Penelope doesn't recognize him and cannot be sure that Odysseus is really who he says he is. What was Penelope's challenge to the suitors? Create a new quiz. Although the suitors abuse an important social tradition of hospitality, Penelope lacks the natural, social, and familial protections that would enable her to remove them from her house. How do the other suitors treat Odysseus when he attempts the challenge? The man that succeeds in the challenge that Penelope sets out before the suitors. All men loyal to Odysseus had followed him to Troy, she simply had no way of forcing the suitors to leave the palace. Xenia is a concept that represented the relationship between guests and hosts in Ancient Greece, and is a recurring theme in the Odyssey, Iliad, and other Greek works. Latest answer posted February 20, 2013 at 7:24:35 AM None of the suitors could do it except for Odysseus, who was does anaerobic respiration require carbon dioxide? Odysseus is Penelope 's husband, Telemachus 's father, King of Ithaca, and the hero of the Greek myth of the Odyssey, upon which The Penelopiad is based. What was Penelope's challenge to the suitors. Only one who can accomplish the feat would be considered The correct answer to this question is his skill as a marksman. Penelope tells Eumaeus to bring the beggar to her; she wants to know if he has any news about Odysseus. How does Penelope test Odysseus in Book 23? 3. Asked By: Cataldo Kochs | Last Updated: 14th March, 2020, When Telemachus is an adult, Odysseus returns disguised as a beggar. How do you kill mosquito larvae in a pond without killing plants? Odysseus easily strings the bow and shoots an arrow through the twelve axe-heads. What should I comment on someone singing? What was the task Penelope placed for the suitors?

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