[Event "Sofia, May 9, 2008"] [White "Veselin Aleksandrov Topalov"] [Black "Vassily Ivanchuk"] 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 {The Classical Variation.As the name suggests, this is one of the oldest variations of the French defense.Its quieter than the Winawer, but also more safe and sound.} Report Abuse. Since the pawn structure is symmetrical, the placement of pieces is especially important. Nimzowitsch was no doubt one of the most important figures in chess history, pioneering many aspects of positional play as well as advances in chess Opening Theory.The Nimzo-Indian Defense is perhaps his best-known contribution to the study of chess openings, but the Nimzowitsch Defense has mostly been cast aside largely because it allows white to occupy the full center with 2. d4 The French defense is a very popular choice nowadays among chess players of all levels. The main goal of black in the French defense centers around the e5 pawn in the advanced variation. Qe2, Tchigorin variation Against the Tchigorin Black can play 2c5 or even 2e5. Play is often like the King's Indian Attack. Learning the French Defense is a great time investment because it can be used at the amateur level all the way to the highest levels of chess. Winawer Variation. In the main line of the French Defense, White protects the pawn on e4 by moving the Knight to c3. The main difference between 3.Nc3 and 3.Nd2 is that White cannot play c2-c3 anymore, which justifies the move 3Bb4. This line will be the subject of this article. French, Reti (Spielmann) variation. The most effective way of doing so is by advancing c7-c5, creating tension in Whites d4 pawn. The Caro Kann Defence is a defense to counter White when he plays 1. e4. Sign Up. Complete Guide To Pawn Structures. 2. Continue reading "French Defence, Classical Steinitz Variation Edition" This leads to heavily theoretical lines, whether Black plays Bb4 (Winawer Variation) or Nf6 (Classical Variation). A long-term plan is to push f4-f5 in order to break apart Blacks solid central pawn structure and eventually start a Kingside attack. Blacks light-squared Bishop on c8 will have a hard time joining the game after this move, as it will be locked in by Blacks own pawns on e6 and d5. The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. French Defense: Knight Variation (147 games played) 59% / 4% / 37%. This, so-called Bronstein Variation, has been seen in games of French Defense experts of the greatest caliber, such as Viktor Korchnoi, Tigran Petrosian, and Rafael Vaganian. 1. e4 e6 2. c4. A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement Bo Bennett (businessman) I am going to admit it and say this is a variation I have not tried yet. More. However, white reduces the number of sharp lines considerably and there is still room for a dynamic and active play. Study the French Defense: Knight Variation, Two Knights Variation Opening with free tools and analysis. The most straightforward way of doing so is by playing c2-c4. The pin can be very annoying for White, and eventually Black may take the Knight on c3 and play against the doubled pawns on c2 and c3. Chess Openings for White, ExplainedNotes on the Two Knights with d4 Two Knights Defense as Black Two Knights Modern Two Knights Anti-Modern Four Knights, Rubinstein Variation 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bb5 Nd4 Play the Open Games as Black by John Emms Sutovsky's Anti-Rubinstein 5.O-O Anti-Vienna 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Bc4 Nc6 4.d3 Na5 1. e4 e6 2. c4. 1. e4 e6 2. e5. There is also a young GM from Azerbaijan that plays the Two Knights variation almost exclusively against the french, his name is Gadir Guseinov, and I think he has a good score with it. Van't Kruijs Opening (1032 games played) 48% / 7% / 45%. 1. e4 e6 2. b3. Qe2, and the Two Knights' Variation with 2. Study the French Defense: Knight Variation Opening with free tools and analysis. The Exchange Variation is a safe line to play against the French. Help. Chess opening statistics can been viewed on the display to the right of the board. After the initial moves of the French Defense: Exchange Variation, my opponent played 4.Bb4+. The Knight controls many squares in the center, and Black may feel pressured to take it and give up the Bishop pair. French defence, Steiner variation. This is one of the main plans for White in the Tarrasch Variation. It's not as big as 3.Nc3, 3.Nd2 or 3.e5 lines but is a big headache for many French players, especially the ones, who are not prepared very well. Schachseite eins Amateurs, der sich hier einen berblick schaffen und sein Schach verbessern mchte. C00 Sub-variants: French defence. White takes over the center with the Queens pawn (2.d4). Horwitz Defense (144 games played) 55% / 10% / 35%. This is the natural breakthrough in Blacks position, and Black can either play it right away or wait for White to close the center with e5 first. The knight is developed to e7 instead and after 9th move, we get the most important tabiya of the classical French Isolani. Nc3 Nf6, 4. e5 Nd7, 5. d4 c5 The main lines of the French start with. Although you have to know a lot in order to be successful in the main line, it is very aggressive, tactical and ambitious, which means that it is perfect for players who enjoy this kind of fighting spirit. 1. e4 c3 2. The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. This plan is especially strong against the main line as White cannot protect the pawn on d4 with c2-c3. White wants to gain space in the center and fix Blacks pawn structure in light squares, which will lock in Blacks Bishop on c8. Moving the Knight to a central square is a good idea in a symmetrical structure. Similarly to the Advance Variation, one of the main plans for White once the pawn is on e5 is to try to break apart Blacks solid central structure by playing f4-f5. The move 3.Nd2 is known as a less ambitious way to play against the French than 3.Nc3. 1. e4 e6 2. e5. These Cheat Sheet will give you every plan for each opening. What play are the offence running here? Log In. The eventual aim of the Caro Kann defense is to create a very strong c6-d5 pawn chain and then challenge Whites space advantage (and his Kingside). It is a good variation for solid players who are not into aggressive lines, but who do not like fully symmetrical positions like those that arise from the Exchange Variation. Morphy Defense Exchange Variation. The Winawer Variation is one of the main lines in the French Defense for black and begins with the moves: 1.e4 e6. I followed with 5.Bd2, but after analyzing it, I saw that it is not in the master games opening on chess.com and 5.c3 and 5.Nc3 are considered better moves. (You can expect to receive a new cheat sheet every three days. This is the introductory chapter to 7.0-0 variation, due to the pressure on the e-file. This pin can disturb Whites position, so White should play a3 to expel the Bishop from b4 - whether the Knight is taken and White is forced to ruin the structure but has the Bishop pair in return, or the Bishop drops back and the move a3 can be useful to support the advance b2-b4 later on. Although this may lead to Isolated Queen Pawn positions, its a structural imbalance that Black may use in his favor. By blocking Blacks pawns on light squares, the Bishop on c8 will have a hard time joining the game, and that is actually one of the main themes in the French Defense. This plan also gains space on the Queenside and creates room for the dark-squared Bishop to come to b2. IM John Watson analyzes the French Defense: Advance Euwe Variation 5Bd7 6 Be2 C02, Advance Variation 5Qb6 6 a3 Nh6 C02, Winawer Defence 7 Nf3 b6 plan C19, Winawer Hook-Portisch Variation C18, 7 Qg4 Qc7 8 Bd3 main line-11Qxe5 12 h4 C18, Ni Hua-Nevednichy, Volokitin-Ivanisevic, Ponizil-Novotny, Shirov-Schenk, Radovanovic-Drasko, Wang Jue-Goh Weiming, David As in most variations of the French Defense, regardless of Whites setup, it is essential for Black to create pressure in the center. This is also useful in case White is planning on starting a Kingside attack. First, White must move the Kings pawn two squares (1.e4). Accessibility: Enable blind mode. French, Reti (Spielmann) variation. French, Steinitz attack. It is an ambitious and aggressive setup, full of tactical intricacies whether Black plays the Winawer Variation (3Bb4) or the Classical Variation (3Nf6). It is a bit strange since I played the French defence as my main weapon against 1. e4 for a number of years. It is an ambitious and aggressive variation, and, although it is not as popular as the Main Line and Tarrasch Variation, it shares many of the same ideas. Puzzles. This pin can disturb Whites position, so White should play a3 to expel the Bishop from b4 - whether the Knight is taken and White is forced to ruin the structure but has the Bishop pair in return, or the Bishop drops back and the move a3 can be useful to support the advance b2-b4 later on. First thing that white gets space advantage by pushing e5 and stops blacks knight to place on f6. To search the chess database, either enter your criteria into the quick search box or use the advanced search by clicking on the advanced search label. There isnt really a Knight variation of the French. For this reason, it is perfect to avoid heavy theory or tactical intricacies, and many strategic players choose it as their main weapon to face the French Defense. e5 (refusing taking the pawn, which leads into the Exchange variation) This move also creates room for the Knight to come to c6, from where it can also target Whites central pawns (d4 and e5). You can start from any position by using the paste FEN/moves button directly below the chess board. The French Defence is a chess opening characterised by the moves: The French Defense is a solid but cunning opening, and it has been played by some of the greatest chess players in the world. 1. e4 e6. French defence, Steiner variation. 1. e4 e6 2. b3. Again, as in most lines of the French Defense, a good idea for White is always to close the center and gain space with the move e4-e5. Consider the following beginning, quite typical of the advance variation of the French defense: [fen ""] 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Nc6 5.Nf3 Qb6 6.a3 On what I 1. e4 e6. The 2nd advantage is blacks queen side bishop will remain passive for long time. Connect. The Advance Variation of the French Defense appears on the board after the following moves: The ideas behind the Advance Variation are very logical and typical of the French Defense. Nc3 helps support the e4 pawn which is currently under attack. 3.Nc3 Bb4. In case Black plays this move, White should pin the Knight on f6 by playing Bg5, threatening to push e4-e5 and win a piece. There is a lot of theory in the main line of the French Defense, but it is widely recognized as the best way to neutralize the French with the White pieces. This variation has a good reputation, and the positions it gives rise to are more often strategic than tactical and double-edged. Its quite flexible and it offers black unbalanced positions almost in any line. The premise of the Caro Kann is based on the idea behind the French Defence: Black gets ready to support the d7-d5 pawn advance on his next turn. What is the Fort Knox? Mieses Opening (486 games played) 65% / 4% / 31%. In order to force Black to make a decision, one of Whites plans is to expand on the Queenside with a3-b4, challenging the pawn on c5 to either take or advance. named after French players who used it in a correspondence match in 1834 Includes pgn, cbv and pdf download The main move for Black against the Main line of the French Defense is to pin the Knight on c3 by playing Bb4. The Exchange Variation appears on the board after the following moves. Black does not always play the Winawer Variation (3Bb4) - the Classical Variation (3Nf6) also enjoys great popularity. The best way of doing so is to advance the f-pawn, to f4 and eventually to f5. Although it has been more popular before, the Advance Variation is still seen as a solid, yet ambitious option against the French Defense. For this reason, Black should develop his light-squared Bishop as soon as possible, and preferably to an active square - the ideal one is g4, from where it pins the Knight on f3 and hinders Whites development. 2.d4 d5. Your most common openings with white. Note: Opening, Site and Event names are untranslated. Two Knights Defense, Polerio Defense, Bishop Check Line After white takes D-pawn, and instead of retaking pawn (avoiding Fried Liver Attack variation), black threatens light squared bishop with knight. A chess study by Acerb8. Make a Suggestion. Black replies by trying to build a strong and supported center (2d5). That move alone does nothing to distinguish one French variation from another. French, Steinitz attack. For this reason, one of Blacks main ideas is to break the symmetry himself and put pressure on Whites central pawn by playing c7-c5. The Tarrasch Variation appears on the board after the following moves: The Tarrasch Variation is solid, yet ambitious. Bb4 pins down the white knight to the king and renders is useless to defend against the dxe4 attack that black is threatening. C00 Sub-variants: French defence. White has dark designs against d6.Towards that end, he further intends Bg5 followed by Bxf6.The idea is to tempt Bxf6 and distract the bishop from d6.Should Black refuse to cooperate through gxf6, White would have at least inflicted structural damage.However, even if Black does play Bxf6, and White triumphs on d6, hes likely to return the pawn in due course. Besides creating tension in Blacks strong central setup, this move is also useful for a Kingside attack. Chess Database Usage. 2. Together with the c7-c5 breakthrough, Black wants to put as much pressure as possible on Whites center. What are the plans for white? Most White players are not well-prepared against the French Defense and find it difficult to get an advantage out of the opening at all. please donate https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=ZPEYVFR698EKA buy books/dvds belowtop book on French Variation of the Sicilian defense. Both variations and their plans and ideas were explained in easy way now lets jump into French defense Advance Variation. I prefer to bring my knights to c6 and e7 to have a double attack on that e5 pawn. ), (You can expect to receive a new cheat sheet every three days. Black tries to establish a strong and supported center with e6-d5. Whites pawn on e4 is attacked, and there are four ways to defend it, which correspond to each of the variations. Ask a Question. This can happen with the joint forces of the Knight, which goes to c6, and the Queen, which stands well on b6. lichess.org Play lichess.org The French Defense is a chess opening that leads to semi-open games. Variation of Ruy Lopez where bishop takes knight. Besides 3.Nc3, white has another main response against the French defense, the Tarrasch variation, with 3.Nd2. The structure becomes symmetrical, unlike in all other variations of the French, so it is perfect for players who dont know a lot of opening theory or who prefer strategic battles over tactical ones. Nf3, Two Knights' Variation The Two Knights' often transposes into Advance lines after 2d5, 3. In the Exchange Variation, White goes for the most solid and quiet system against the French Defense. Questions (FAQ), The Perhaps the games of this Guseinov fellow are worthy of close study by anyone interested in this line of the French. Then, Black replies by moving his King pawn one square only (1e6). You can see some of the diagrams of this tricky lines below. The French Defense is a chess opening in which the following moves are played: The idea behind the French Defense is that Black plays e6 to prepare to advance d7-d5, in order to immediately challenge Whites pawn on e4. White brings out knight then fiancettos the bishop instead of taking center control. White is often focused on defending d4 and can sometimes miss the attack in White wants to break Blacks pawn structure apart. A common theme in the French Defense, is for Black to put pressure on Whites center. Together with the pawn on c5 and Knight on c6, Blacks other Knight can come to pressure Whites center. By default, the database only shows chess games where both players were rated over 2200, you can change the database subset using the database selector at the top of the page. In the Advance Variation, Whites idea is to gain space in the center. To see the chess games in the database for the current position, click on the "Games for Position" tab. In most lines of the French Defense, White wants to gain a spatial advantage and lock in Blacks light-squared Bishop with the move e4-e5. This might seem like a slow plan, but it is highly effective. Nf3. The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. save_alt. In order to break the symmetry and play for a win, White must try to put pressure on Blacks central pawn on d5. The Tarrasch Variation is very popular - although it is not as aggressive as the main line 3.Nc3, it offers chances for White to get a small advantage with safe play. The main move for Black against the Main line of the French Defense is to pin the Knight on c3 by playing Bb4. [fen The Main line of the French Defense appears on the board after the following moves: 3.Nc3 is the main move for White for a reason - it is a logical move, developing a piece and protecting the pawn on e4. It shares many plans with the main line (3.Nc3), although one of the main differences is that 3Bb4 is not good for Black in the Tarrasch, because White can simply attack the Bishop with 4.c3. Today. Usually, Black wants to play c5 to react in the center and create tension. Study the French Defense: Knight Variation Opening with free tools and analysis. Okay, youve put your knight on f3 on move 2, but it was probably going to go there anyway. White goes for a symmetrical structure right from the third move, which means that this variation leads to neutral positions. The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. The French Defense can be divided into four major variations. Search. Steinitz Variation in the Two Knights Defense: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5 Na5 6.Bb5+ c6 7.dxc6 bxc6 8.Be2 h6 9.Nh3 Steinitz Variation in the Vienna Game : 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.f4 d5 4.d3 To do this, he must go to the square f5 via e7. 2. d4 IM John Watson analyzes the French Defense Rubinstein Variation 7 c3, 7 Be3, 7 Bd3 Mainline C10, Fort Knox 8 Ned2, 8 Ng3 C10, Advance 6 a3 C02, Leko-Andreikin, Caruana-Meier, Kokarev-Pushkov, Edouard-Tiviakov, Geske-Gasthofer, Gormally-Hanley, Kobalia-Demidov, Savic-Dudukovic. In this article we will have an inside look in the so called Fort Knox variation of the French and we will see how to play against it. Opening Preparation: The French Defense - Steinitz Variation we would be looking at the ideal knight setup for White with the Knights on e2 and f3 rather than d2 and f3. Play. Learn. Since the position is symmetrical, many of Whites plans are also good with colors reversed. There is also a non-searchable HTML only game list, but most users will want to use the main game database page. We will send all new cheat sheets as they are created to your email. Schachseite Chessikus. As in most lines of the French Defense, Blacks idea is to counter-attack in the center with c5. I'm super excited to introduce you this line against French defense, explain all the ideas, and show the most important variations. ), Frequently Asked

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