and two and a half million driven from their homes. See also Numbers in languages other than French, German, Italian, and Spanish | Lots of German numbers and Find French words for numbers French Trois cent mille d'entre elles vivent dans des tentes à la périphérie de la ville. Note: this page was created with music cataloging in mind. propri�taire immobilier et foncier du pays. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. Collectif d'artistes designers La pédagogie par le design the Service, plus, for years 2 to 5 of the term of the Service, an amount equal to any unclaimed portion of the maximum amount from the previous year of the term of the Service. This is not a good example for the translation above. productions nationales, avec un nombre d'exposants qui tourne autour de 500 et qui c�toieroont les productions internationales, orgueil de la Foire-�chantillon. (Cent est multiplié par trois et suivi de mille. 2,000,000 + 3,000,000 = deux millions plus trois millions font cinq millions 3. Contextual translation of "huit mille trois cent" into English. more_vert. For example: 1 250. dur�e du service, un montant correspondant � toute portion non r�clam�e du montant maximum en se basant sur l'ann�e pr�c�dente de la dur�e du service. of them illegally downloaded, it's not a problem. Human translations with examples: 10860000 dh, 320th session, 1358 years ago, or three hundred. Plural forms of cent, mille and million - all different ! deux-millions-trois-mille , but not * un-millions . There are 6.782 pens and 3.123 notebooks. Human translations with examples: 300, " oh god ! titre comparatif, le total de tous les pr�ts, accord�s en 1998 par la CPS � des taux d'int�r�t sup�rieurs � 15 %, By way of contrast the total of all loans issued in 1998 by LCPS with interest rates, L'UNESCO remet au(x) laur�at(s) un ch�que, UNESCO shall present to the prizewinner (or the, L'employ� affect� � une zone o� il y a risque de guerre b�n�ficie automatiquement d'une protection additionnelle de deux cent, Employees assigned to "war- risk" areas will automatically be covered for an, terms of the twenty-four (24) hour voluntary. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "trois cent mille". Yessenia Gomez 4th 1. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Parmi eux se trouvaient deux cent quarante-cinq chantres et chanteuses. Trois mille cent soixante-trois personnes ont été emprisonnées au nom du commonwealth ; soixante-treize personnes que nous connaissons ont sont toujours incarcérées. 3 000 s'écrit : trois-mille Ecriture du nombre 3000 sans fautes d'orthographe Voici comment écrire le nombre 3 000 sans se tromper et en tenant compte de l'orthographe réformée par les recommandations de l'Académie Française publiées en 1990. It’s also good to know, that One hundred fifty means ""cent cinquante" in American English, as well as ""deux cents"" is Two hundred. deux millions et demi d'autres ont �t� chass�es de leur foyer. I want to buy ten cats. The service level commitment credits shall be limited to a maximum of 2% of the charges billed by the. A cet �gard, le gouvernement de l'Etat du Kowe�t sur directive de Son Altesse Cheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Assobah ainsi que le gouvernement du Sultanat d'Oman, sur directive de Sa Majest� Qabous bin Sa�d, Sultan du Sultanat d'Oman, ont fait respectivement, Thanks to these efforts, the Government of the State of Kuwait donated one million US$ on the instructions of His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad As-Sabah, Emir of the State of Kuwait, while the Government of the Sultanate of, Oman made a donation of US$ 300,000 following a. 650 + 750 = six cent cinquante plus sept cent cinquante font mille quatre cents 2. Elapsed time: 121 ms. Cent takes an s in the plural only when it is a round figure (-00) You will find here a structured clergy of different. open_in_new Link to source ; warning Request revision ; Some 300,000 of them are living in tents on the outskirts of the capital. Ce Conseil b�n�ficiera � compter de l'Ann�e financi�re 2001-02 d'un financement disponible en vertu du, programme r�gulier du Qu�bec pour ces fins, This Board will benefit as of the 2001-02 Financial Year from the available regular, program funding of Qu�bec for such purposes, Le prix de la jeune �pouse n'�tait pas tr�s. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Contextual translation of "trois cents mille francs" into English. The French numbers 80 to 99. 966 - 342 = neuf cent soixante-six moins trois cent quarante-deux font six cent vingt-quatre 4. Il y a un cas où vingt et cent sont invariables, même s'ils sont multipliés et qu'ils ne sont pas suivis d'un nombre : c'est lorsqu’ils ont une valeur ordinale, au sens de « vingtième » et de « centième » . refuge in Syria and it was common knowledge why they had not returned to their homes. * l'an mil quatre cent trois Millions, billions etc. The Directorate of Civil Defense reported two hundred and twenty two thousand five hundred and seventeen. have to live on less than one dollar a day. 6. (80 million euros) • Mille (thousand) is always invariable, and never takes the plural form. » A. La Bible David Martin (1744) Sans leurs serviteurs et leurs servantes, qui étaient sept mille trois cent trente-sept; et ils avaient deux cent quarante-cinq chantres ou chanteuses. Sur les cinquante-cinq mille militaires de l'Unita initialement pr�vus, apparurent, dans les r�gions, de cantonnement, pr�s de quatre-vingt-cinq mille militaires et leurs, Instead of the fifty-five thousand Unita soldiers that had originally been estimated, it was in fact eighty-five. de milliers de r�fugi�s, le Burundi n'a pas. Le cancer cause plus de 800, 000 d�c�s par an dans l'Union europ�enne et plus, The "Europe Against Cancer" Programme will host an internatinal scientific seminar at the Commission Offices in Luxemburg (Jean Monnet Building) on Wednesday 6 September 1995 Cancer is a, disease which causes over 800 000 deaths annually in the European Union, A la m�me �poque, l'article 24 disposait qu'encouraient un emprisonnement d'un an � cinq ans et une amend. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. The word mille is invariable ; it never takes s . thousand men and their families who turned up in the quartering areas, La Direction de la Protection Civile fait �tat de deux cent vingt deux mille cinq cent. nominatives d'une valeur nominale de CHF 0.10 chacune, enti�rement lib�r�es. Le programme "L'Europe contre le cancer" accueillera un s�minaire scientifique international dans les locaux de la Commission � Luxembourg (B�timent Jean Monnet), le mercredi 6 septembre 1995. Ce qui est �galement important, c'est que les montants soient r�partis, g�ographiquement parlant et par rapport � la population car on sait qu'il y a des d�put�s dont, les circonscriptions ont dix kilom�tres carr�s et d'autres qui ont des, It is also important that the amounts involved be divided geographically and on a per capita basis, because, there are members whose ridings cover ten. For example, deux-cents, trois-cents, quatre-cents and others are written with an s at the end, but not, for example, deux-cent-un. Translate to French. Trois-milliards-deux-cent-vingt-cinq-millions-trois-cent-quatre-vingt-six-mille-sept-cent-huit = 3 225 386 708 So, if you want to master very large French numbers, you need to drill a lot on numbers of three digits (so up to 999) since these numbers will form the blocks for larger numbers. the main land and property owner of the country. Music Cataloging at Yale ♪ Language tools. Because it doesn’t get hyphenated cent also gets placed in the plural when it come before the number million. 155 + 310 = cent cinquante-cinq plus trois cent dix font quatre cent soixante-cinq Mille Neuf-mille-sept-cent-six Trois-mille-soixante-seize -neuf cent cinquante-quatre Septmillehuit soixante Deux-mille-cent-quarante-sept Loto nombres However, the 1990 spelling reform allows the placement of the hyphen between all numbers, in all cases: trois-cents, trente-huit-mille, trois-cent-quarante-et-un. Look up the German to French translation of Trois- Cent Mille in the PONS online dictionary. A la même époque, l'article 24 disposait qu'encouraient un emprisonnement d'un an à cinq ans et une amende de trois cents à trois cent mille francs, « ceux qui, par l'un des moyens énoncés en l'article 23, auront fait l'apologie (...) des crimes ou délits de collaboration avec l'ennemi ». For example, 2 422 is written as deux-mille-quatre-cent-vingt-deux. For example, 3 400 000 becomes trois millions quatre-cent-mille. whose ridings cover 200,000 or 300,000 square kilometres. Mille is always invariable * trois mille * dix mille deux un is invariable in number but not in gender: * cinquante et une pages Millier, million and millard are noun and not adjective. Results: 151. DEUX-CENTS (two hundred) but DEUX-CENT-UN (two hundred and one). Mille is never plural. The French for 'million' is million; 'a million' translates literally as un million.After the million comes the remainder of the number without any intervening word for 'and': 1000450 = un million quatre cent cinquante, 3008000 = trois millions huit mille.Note that millions does take an -s in the plural. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. The number eighty presents a rather strange structure with the form quatre-vingts.You’ll probably recognise the words quatre and vingts and see that the French word for 80 actually means ‘four twenties.’ Lire, écrire et décomposer les nombres de 0 à 999 999 999 1- Écris ces nombres en chiffres. The main points – Reminder. vingt dix sept mille huit cent une (597.801) personnes d�plac�es vers les villes de province dont cent soixante mille (160.000) se sont r�fugi�es dans la zone frontali�re ha�tiano-dominicaine. Exemple : douze-mille, trois-mille-six-cent-douze» B. : * quatre cents millions * deux cent mille * deux cents milliers Mille can be written mil but only in a date. en Syrie et on sait tr�s bien pourquoi ils ne sont pas retourn�s dans leurs foyers. no better fate than its cousin in the north. Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200. When vingt or cent are followed by a number, the s is dropped. They cost 55.68 euros. En Europe, nous accordons une subvention d'un dollar par jour et par bovin - et il ne s'agit pas de bovins de qualit�, il, In Europe, we grant a subsidy of a dollar a day per bovine animal - and these animals are not high quality, they. At the same time, section 24 provided that "anyone who, by one of the means set out in section 23, has made a public defence of ... the crimes of collaboration with the enemy" was to be liable to one to five years' imprisonment and a fine of from three hundred to three hundred thousand francs. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. (300,000 inhabitants) Quatre-vingts millions d’euros. Ils coutent cinquante-cinq euros et soixante-huit centimes. En effet, le chemin de Saint-Jacques a connu un d�veloppement extraordinaire depuis, vingt-cinq ans et cette ann�e, en raison de, In fact, the Way of Saint James has had an extraordinary development during these last. 30.000 c'est chiant, mais il n'y a pas mort d'homme. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, On y trouve un clerg� hi�rarchis� et fortement. For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! 320.948,21. trois cent vingt mille neuf cent quarante-huit virgule vingt et un. fully paid up registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.10 each. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. 100 — Cent; 200 — Deux-cents; 300 — Trois-cents; 400 — Quatre-cents; 500 — Cinq-cents; 600 — Six-cents; 700 — Sept-cents; 800 — Huit-cents; 900 — Neuf-cents; 1000 — Mille; If you would like to read composed numbers out loud, let me show you how to do it: Let’s take 152 as an example: cent-cinquante-deux. Il y a six mille sept cent quatre-vingt-deux stylos et trois mille cent vingt-trois cahiers. Selon les organisateurs, plus de trois cent mille personnes ont pris part à cette Marche du changement. Learn more about French grammar with us. a Bemba, and the Bembas don't charge much for their women. They agree. © 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. ne demandent pas beaucoup pour leurs femmes. Accord de cent Cent s'accorde uniquement s'il n'est suivi d'aucun chiffre. un milliard cinq cent quatre million cinq cent soixante-trois mille six cent cinquante-huit. Owing to circumstances beyond its control, the Republic of the Congo has been unable to pay off its arrears of. French numbers are always invariable in their spelling, except: round number 80 → quatre-vingts (with a final S) Les cr�dits associ�s aux engagements relatifs � la qualit� du service ne pourront exc�der 2% des frais factur�s � l'abonn� par les t�l�communicateurs chaque ann�e de. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the population of Paris was already, Le travail de l'ONU est promu par l'actrice Michelle Yeoh.Un million, The UN work is promoted by film star Michelle Yeoh.One million, Never before in the history of Dutch literature has a book sold more than, Enfin, le Duc de Mecklembourg s'est contenté de, Finally, the Duke of Mecklembourg was happy with, Pendant ce temps, levidéoposté surVousTube, est apparu quelques jours il ya, a largement dépassé les, Meanwhile, the videoposted onYouTube, appeared a couple of days ago, has far exceeded, Certificat de Registre Public du Panama vérifier titre personnel du demandeur avec une valeur minimale de, Certificate from Panama's Public Registry verifying personal title of the applicant with a minimum value of, à travers cette petite nation insulaire d'environ, Across this small island nation an estimated. 226 likes. Mille trois cents, Bordeaux (Bordeaux, France). These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. will be hence renewed: a showcase of the best. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. ", three hundred, i said to myself. ""trois mille"" is the equivalent to Three thousand in American English, and I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it many times before already. Ses trois cent mille francs lui avaient duré dix-huit mois. 1.094.737.983. un milliard quatre-vingt-quatorze million, sept cent trente sept mille nuef cent quatre-vingt-trois. 3,003,300 = Trois millions trois mille trois cents 3,033,333 = Trois millions trente-trois mille trois cent trente-trois . Cinq mille sept cent quatre-vingt-dix neuf mineurs (81,7 %) exerçaient une activité génératrice de revenus depuis deux ans ou moins, et 60 % d'entre eux (3484) depuis moins d'un an. For one reason or another trois million does not get hyphenated. Until May 21, 1999, a maximum number of 8,300,000 units are represented by instalment receipts (the "Instalment Receipts"). When writing out numbers higher than 999, a space separates three-digit groups of numbers. • Quatre-vingt-douze-millions- trois-cent-six-mille-trois-cent-dix-neuf : Are you wondering how to say ""trois mille"" in American English ? national productions, with an estimated number of exhibitors of almost five hundred, and the international productions that are a cause of pride of the Show. All the other numbers take s when there is more than one of them, e.g. Match the letter to the question 1)mille trois cent soixante-deux 2)onze mille sept cent dix-huit 3)deux cent mille cent quatre-vingt-douze 4)un million quatre cent mille cent cinquante-sept 5)sept mille deux cent soixante-douze A) 11,718 B) 200,192 C) 7,272 D) 1,400,157 E) 1,362 Exact: 151. While counting between soixante-onze and soixante-dix-neuf may seem peculiar in French, counting higher is even more counterintuitive.. Accord de mille Mille est toujours invariable. Ninety-seven thousand eight hundred and one (597,801) people moved to other cities or to the countryside, of which one hundred sixty thousand (160,000) sought refuge in the area of the Haitian-Dominican border. connu un sort meilleur que son cousin du nord. Trois cents milliers d’habitants. The one industry we focused on was the tourism industry. The rule is the same with the French number CENT (hundred) i.e. And while MILLE (thousand) is invariable, MILLION (million) and MILLIARD (billion) always agree: 1.500 - MILLE-CINQ-CENTS 3.499 - TROIS-MILLE-QUATRE-CENT-QUATRE-VINGT-DIX-NEUF 2.501.000 - DEUX-MILLIONS-CINQ-CENT-UN-MILLE plus 7,214 (seven thousand two hundred and fourteen) euros. His three hundred thousand francs had only lasted him eighteen months! General points. This means 400.000.000 is written as quatre-cents millions. Je veux acheter dix chats.
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