This cute type of peperomia has compact growth and is easy to maintain. Le foglie sono grandi, carnose e a forma di cuore o di goccia e rappresentano la vera attrattiva di questa pianta.I fiori sono bianchi, ma non sono profumati. Come coltivarla. The rachis is rather thick and bright white in P. tristachya. Peperomia plants come from the tropical rainforest where theyd only get indirect light. La pianta Peperomia Polybotrya o Peperomia Raindrop, conosciuta anche come la pianta di gomma per bambini, sempre una meravigliosa aggiunta alla gamma di decorazioni vegetali per arricchire il giardino o gli interni della tua casa. It has light green, heart-shaped leaves, with a thin white or pale yellow border. Caratterizzate da foglie carnose di piccole o medie dimensioni e da infiorescenze a forma di spiga, il portamento delle Peperomia pu essere cespuglioso, ma anche rampicante e nelle variet striscianti la coltivazione in panieri sospesi, consente di Get our peperomia house plants delivered, including the Peperomia argyreia, Peperomia obtusifolia Variegata, Peperomia marmorata. PEPEROMIA POLYBOTRYA COIN LEAF PEPEROMIA. Keep away from direct sunlight. Here is a link that might be useful: Peperomia tristachya Peperomia polybotrya. The plant pictured and listed a P polybotrya is actually Peperomia tristachya. The shiny green leaves of this plant appear in the shape of an oval, which tapers to a point like a typi-cal raindrop. Many P. tristachya plants are wrongly labeled 'P. Well suited to an indoor location but also survive outdoors under a patio. Although, the actual Chinese money plant (Pilea peperomioides) a completely Peperomia Polybotrya Care (Coin Plant) Read More In P. polybotrya on the contrary there is a large number of spadices in the compound inflorescence. The peperomia plant is a smart choice for beginner houseplant enthusiasts. The best place is in a non-south facing window or out of direct light. Raindrop Peperomia (Peperomia Polybotrya) Peperomia polybotrya is a compact houseplant with oval pointed green glossy leaves. This peperomia can grow pretty big in comparison to other peperomia plants. The Peperomia Polybotrya is a lovely compact houseplant thats easy to care for. Raindrop peperomia plants have shiny green oval leaves that come to a point. I posted this plant to the Peperomia group a while back and it seems the true polybotrya is very rare if at all seen in cultivation. LIGHT: Needs medium light, will grow best in bright indirect sunlight. Peperomia polybotrya. A really good option to spill over the side of a planter or to hang down from a hanging basket. Peperomia scandens (Cupid Peperomia or False-Philodendron Peperomia) This is a low growing, trailing variety of peperomia. So if you placed your peperomia on a sunny windowsill, theyll curl their leaves to protect themselves. Peperomia Plant Care . La specie Peperomia polybotrya si adatta bene alla vita da appartamento, molto piccola e necessita di poca luce.Ama per i contesti umidi. You may also have heard it referred to the Chinese money plant. Not only are they forgiving plants that tolerate some benign neglect, but the spectacular variety of colors and textures available within the species means that you can amass an interesting collection of plants for every style and space, all of which require the same care. Because of the unique shape of its leaves it has been called coin leaf peperomia, raindrop peperomia and coin plant. Peperomia polybotrya (Raindrop peperomia) The name raindrop peperomia is a perfect fit for the description for the leaves of this plant. Peperomia caperata. The individual rachis is thinner and lacks the bright white colour. polybotrya', but I never saw the latter in the trade. Peperomia polybotrya: pianta succulenta di origine tropicale La peperomia polybotrya una pianta da appartamento originaria dellAmerica meridionale, appartenente alla grande famiglia delle piante grasse o

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