(book 1). (Book 7). Why does Athena help Telemachus? Why does Telemachus question Odysseus's choice of allies? Penelope puts him in his place by telling him no one actually honors him or ever did, and that was a shock for him. Describe what will happen if Odysseus or his men harm the cattle of Helios the sun. (book 8). As his journey nears its end, however, she begins to take a more personal role in shaping his actions. In the simile 20.17-18, to what is Odysseus being compared? (Book 7). (book 3), Who caused the quarrel between Atreus's two sons? Out of the 12 ships Odysseus started his journey home from Troy with, how many survived? Amphinomus now knew the plot would not succeed so he ordered his men to go to dinner instead. (Book 7). 7) Why does Athena help Odysseus so much? Why did Aeolus let the West Wind out? (book 4). with the help of all the gods. (book 21). (book 2). (book 17). by a wild boar when Odysseus was hunting on Mt. Odysseus knew that he would have to ask for Apollo's help later. He is compared to an octopus because he clung on so tight. Why did Eurycleia's words in 19.520-521 fail to arouse any response from Penelope? Zeus sheltered Odysseus from Scylla's view. True (it is exhibited through Penelope, Eurycleia, Eumaeus, Telemachus, etc. (book 1). Odysseus must go to Hades/the underworld. He didn't want his men to hear the sirens song and then jump overboard to their deaths. Why does Athena want to help Odysseus and Telemachus? Odysseus also killed the suitors when he arrived home because of their rude behavior towards his loved ones. Because he is urgent to get back to Ithaca to see Odysseus and to catch Odysseus before/if he leaves, not to be rude or disrespectful to the guest-host relationship. ? Athena tells Telemachus that he might hear news of his father, Odysseus. The Odysseus beings "en media res" from Odysseus's departure from Troy. ), Why does Telemachus want to avoid going to Nestor's house? Explain the symbolism of where Telemachus places the Pallas Athena's spear. Reflect on why Telemachus said it would be better if the Ithacans consumed all of his resources. Athena also guides Telemachus onto the path of manhood and the search for his father. How did Athena convince Odysseus that he was, indeed, on Ithaca? There are several very important reasons why, in the Odyssey, Athena sends Telemachos to Pylos and Sparta to meet with Nestor and Menelaos instead of simply telling him that Odysseus is still alive. What does Odysseus ask of Arete? (book 5). How did Athena recruit sailors and acquire a fast ship? Calypso said that if she was a male god, no one would be saying anything. Because Theoclymenus has killed a man of his own race and is scared that the friends and kinsmen of the man he killed will com and put him (Theoclymenus) to death. (book 19). Odysseus was afraid Persephone would send Medusa/a gargoyle. Because Athena wanted the Phaeacians to recognize that Odysseus did come from a good family and was worthy of their time. Explain why Nausicaa wants Odysseus to wait outside the city. (book 13). Why is Athena so confident that Telemachus can successfully approach and inquire of Nestor? How did Nestor welcome Telemachus? He got it from the truth, it is what really happened to him. How does Calypso defend herself? Irus is a beggar who is like the suitors because he is rude to Odysseus, and calls him names like "filthy glutton" just because of Odysseus's appearance. What kind of social life do the Cyclops have? Telemachus proclaimed that he was the master of the household to protect his mother. To what contests does Odysseus challenge Eurymachus? Here Athena is trying to get Telemachus to realize that its time for his father to come to Ithaca, and he has to get the suitors out of his home. What is the difference between allegory and symbolism? Who was still furious with Odysseus and why? He sleeps next to Odysseus herds to protect them, this shows his loyalty and love for Odysseus. Odysseus was lucky, Poseidon had been in Ethiopia and was distracted. Athena shrouded Odysseus in mist so that no one would see him, doubt him, or be rude. Women were not allowed to hold on to property with out a husband. (book 4). (book 100). How is Odysseus able to forget his troubles? She is very loyal and will be rewarded by Odysseus. (book 6). (book 2). avoid her suitors, she again disguised as Mentor and urges Telemachus to sail. because Agamemnon did not have an honorable death on the battlefield like others did. How did Odysseus prove to Eumaeus and Philotius that he was Odysseus? Penelope's father and brothers have lost all hope in Odysseus coming hope and believe that he is dead. He spares Phemius and Medon because they had done no wrong. Why does Telemachus say that if Odysseus had died at Troy he would have grieved less for him than he does now? Athena asked Odysseus why he was behaving odiously. What does this mean? (book 4). Because Athena does not want Odysseus to keep Telemachus in the dark any longer and she believes that Telemachus can help Odysseus in the task of undermining the suitors. the fathers of the suitors for not handling their sons, as Halitherses and Telemachus had spoken to the fathers' previously. Who gave Odysseus the quickest release from pain and fatigue, and how did she do it? Latest answer posted November 07, 2017 at 11:54:18 PM, Latest answer posted October 19, 2016 at 8:10:51 AM, Latest answer posted January 25, 2015 at 2:28:21 PM, Latest answer posted August 29, 2019 at 1:48:46 AM, Latest answer posted July 01, 2013 at 2:25:48 PM. Odysseus asks him to tell the story of the battle of Troy. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Hermes gives Odysseus a charm to protect him from Circe and tells Odysseus how to free his men. What was her relationship with Odysseus's father, Laertes? He was killed in an embarrassing way by his cheating wife and her lover. The Odyssey. In what way does Alcinous say Nausicaa was out of line? (book 17). Telemachus and his crew arrive at Pylos, where a sacrifice to Poseidon of dozens of bulls is taking place. The suitors are a parallel plot to who/what? (book 12). Log in here. True or false: loyalty is a big factor in homecoming and is exhibited through many of Odysseus's loved ones. (book 16). At first, Odysseus struggled to keep his rage in, but once his temper was in check, he prayed to Zeus's children, the fountain Nymphs that he could be sent home and personally deal with the suitors and punish them for their insults. Agamemnon and Menelaus were the two sons of Atreus. (book 3). Legends are based largely on historical events and are focused on human heroes, while myths are considered to be symbolic stories that explain natural phenomena, the creation of the world, the establishment of civilization, the nature of humanity, and the organization of the universe. (book 10). What is Agamemnon and Menelaus's quarrel referred to as? because Penelope didn't want to see the rude suitors alone, and it was not proper for her to see the men without accompaniment. Odysseus knows that the news of the suitors will spread quickly and he wants Penelope to be safe and out of the chaos. (book 9). (book 4), Describe how Helen helps them get over their sorrow? (book 5). (book 21), He is sorry for not remotely being as strong or powerful as Odysseus and now the world will know and laugh at him, What is Eurymachus afraid of, and how does Penelope put him in his place? (Book 8). Athena appeals to a council of gods to help her, and Zeus sides with her. (book 1). (book 12), Why did Odysseus smear wax in his men's ears? Once you begin to help yourself, perhaps then others may help you. Athena's advice to Telemachus can be found in Book 1, lines 296-97. Amphinomus's speech pleased the suitors, most likely because the suitors have less to do if they go along with Amphinomus's speech. In Eumaeus's case, how has Zeus "set some god alongside the evil" ? They drove straight to Menelaus's house, where a feast was taking place. Eumaeus is being portrayed as Telemachus's father figure. In the simile in 21.423-434, to what is Odysseus being compared? (book 8). Odysseus (as the beggar) also tells Amphinomus that he predicts Odysseus will come back soon. What are the first 9 chapters of The Odyssey referred to and why? Start studying Odyssey Books 17-20. (book 8). Patroclus put on Achilles armor, one day, to disguise himself as Achilles and fight in the war, but Hector found Patroclus and killed him thinking he was Achilles. (book 19), In the simile 19.221-223, to what are Penelope's tears being compared? The good people would give Odysseus offerings and pay him respects, while the bad would ignore Odysseus or insult him. What number repeats throughout The Odyssey? When Odysseus met Eurycleia, he bought her and took her back to the house and protected her. 1 He was still an infant at the time when his father went to Troy, and in his absence of nearly twenty years he grew up to manhood. Why did Telemachus go to Sparta? She walked straight into the ocean without looking back. Why does Odysseus instruct Penelope to "Go upstairs with your women and sit quietly/dont look outside or speak to anyone." (book 18). Why does Athena favor Odysseus in Book 1 of the Odyssey? How did Oydsseus seal the gift chest? and find homework help for other The Odyssey questions at eNotes How did Penelope know that the stranger had seen Odysseus? (book 12), Why was Odysseus saved from Scylla? (book 4), To which goddess is Helen compared to when she arrives in the hall? True or false: the Odyssey represents the culmination of several ancient Greek myths. What are the three disguises the goddess Athena uses to help Telemachus in Books 1 and 2 of The Odyssey? When Odysseus tried to avoid going to Troy to retrieve Helen, he pretended he had gone crazy. How did the swineherd honor the immortals when slaughtering an animal? The young girl carrying the pitcher was Athena and her significance is staying with Odysseus no matter what. Next, Odysseus, with the aid of his son Telemachus and a few loyal followers, kills all the suitors. How does Eumaeus welcome the disguised Odysseus? Describe Pallas Athena's disguise as she went through the city. Menelaus had done a lot of traveling and experianced the guest-host relationship a lot, he wants to repay the gods by giving the guest-host relationship. What was Odysseus reasoning as he called out to Polyphemus that he, Odysseus, was the one to put our his eye? Palamedes put Telemachus in front of the plow because a crazy man would just plow over Telemachus, but Odysseus stopped which proved that he wasn't insane. Although Telemachus is the son of a world-famous father, it does not help him in anyway. Athena is confident, practical, clever, a master of disguises, and a great warrior, characteristics she finds reflected in Telemachus. This is an example of Agamemnon being killed (he blamed the gods/made bad choices), Recount the pun of Odysseus's name that Athena makes in her first speech. Also the cyclops dont care about each other and aren't hospitable towards each other. (Book 7). The goddess Athena, disguised as Mentes, advises Telemachus to visit Pylos and Sparta. (book 15). (book 21), When Eurymachus cannot string the bow, he is not sad about losing the marriage, but what is he sorry for? (book 1). It says that even gods and goddesses have to keep oaths, everyone must keep true to their word. (book 13). They don't get any xenia (hospitality) because the Laestrygonians are cannibals. What is significant about 20.381-384? How did Penelope find out that the suitors were plotting to kill Telemachus? Why did Telemachus tell Peiraeus to keep the gifts from Menelaus? Latest answer posted August 29, 2019 at 1:48:46 AM Unlike other gods and goddesses, Athena favors and lavish Odysseus to the point that she became the passionate goddess that plead with her father, Zeus, to help Odysseus out. What was her significance? Why or why not? Telemachus claims he has to leave because he needs to see his mother to stop her grieving, and Odysseus, as the beggar, claims that he will do better in a town than a country, as a town will have more residents to give him offerings. Athena says, My advice to you is this, if you will let me advise you. Menelaus was displeased with Eteoneus's comments because he didn't want to risk angering Zeus by disrespecting the guest-host relationship. Because Athena is trying to show respect to her uncle Poseidon and be more discreet while supporting Odysseus. Why did the Phaeacians lay Odysseus away from the path? Not having a father as a child severely affects Telemachus.He becomes a timid, shy boy who is pampered by his mother. (book 10). Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and a major character in The Odyssey, is significant in the story so far by becoming the supporter to both Odysseus and Telemachus. Why does Odysseus agree to stay with the Phaeacians? What does Alcinous mean when he tells Odysseus "you have told your tale with the skill of a bard" ? (book 14). Allegory is a story in which events, objects, or characters have a hidden or symbolic meaning, while a symbol/symbolism is an object, person, place, or event that stands for something more than itself. What is the meal that a goddess and a hero will soon serve to the suitors? After this, he must kill the suitors, as Orestes did. she definitely does not like odysseus romantically (book 12). Goddesses are always punished for taking love to mortal men, while male gods can do it without a warning. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. So, Telemachus is to become a man by taking on responsibility. (book 2). Why did the ships go back to Aeolia? After all they started this whole ugly business themselves and they have not respected the guest-host relationship. (book 4). (book 22). To make him angry and want revenge more than ever. Athena comes to Telemachus because she is trying to get Odysseus home. (book 15). Nestor advises Telemachus to not travel too far from Ithaca, because the suitors might ransack Telemachus's house, but Telemachus should still go visit Menelaus since Menelaus is husband to Helen and knows more about the Trojan War. Then disguises herself as. What does his response tell us about his character and about gender roles? Illiad, which tells the story of the Battle of Troy, How is Agamemnon's homecoming an antithesis to the Odyssey. Who does Odysseus encounter in the Land Of The Dead in Homer's. Describe how Odysseus rescued his men from the Lotus Eaters. Achilles was furious and hunted Hector down until he sliced him through the neck. Athena did it by closing his eyelids and making him go into a sound sleep. Who does Odysseus say will be their allies? (book 14). (book 5). Aside from the fact that they contain a lot of Greek mythology and gods and goddesses and spirits, epics, and epic heroes tell life lessons which are timeless. (book 6). Alcinous was mad when Odysseus said his daughter gave him the clothes and didn't lead Odysseus back to the house because Alcinous felt like Nausicaa did not follow the guest-host relationship. (book 20). (book 1). the hawk (that flies upon Telemachus's right hand) is Apollo's messenger and brings the omen that Telemachus will remain powerful and that there will be no house in Ithaca more royal than his own. (book 2). He used a lock that Arete had given him and made a bond like how Circe taught him. Why did Eumaeus and Philoetius cry as they set out the bow and axe heads for the suitors? Why did Athena want the "pain/To sink deeper into Odysseus's bones" ? The prince worries about his youth and inexperience, but Athena assures him that the right words will come, with the help of the Why did Peisistratus resist Telemachus' request to leave immediately? "en media res" means the middle, since the Odyssey begins in the middle of Odysseus's departure home instead of the beginning. What kind of disguise is Athena scheming for Odysseus? The Telemachia because they are mainly focused on Telemachus, Odysseus' son. (book 16). Show how the Mentor rebukes the men of Ithaca. Whose speech pleased the suitors? Why does Eumaeus accuse the disguised Odysseus of fabricating a story about news of Odysseus? Expand on the reasons why Menelaus was greatly displeased with Eteoneus's comments. (book 3). Telemachus. Odysseus pretended he had gone crazy by sowing his fields with salt instead of seeds and plowing the fields like a crazy person. Because the people of Ithaca will think that there was a wedding going on and Penelope did get married to one of the suitors instead of Odysseus killing all the suitors. Athena wants telemachus to be like his father, she wants odysseus's legacy to be good. (book 19). With Odysseus's son, Telemachus? (book 15). (book 3). (book 13). What advice does Nestor give to Telemachus? Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Because not saying goodbye and paying respects to their host, Nestor, before leaving is considered impolite and opposing the guest-host relationship. (book 17). The cyclops were referred to as "lawless savages" and they don't have any assemblies or ways of being. When the audience knows what is happening, but the readers do not, and the results can be either comic or dramatic. Summarize Menelaus's description of death for the suitors. Athena encourages the shy Telemachus to He is being compared to a father of a son that has been gone for a long time. hospitably, as if Telemachus was Nestor's own son who had just returned from a long absence. Telemachus lacks the physical strength to be able to drive the suitors from his father's house on his own. To whom does Odysseus compare himself? Fill in the blanks: When Odysseus was a young man, his mother, Anticlea, sent him to live with (1) _________________ near (2) ______________ ________________________. She wants Odysseus to wait outside the city because it might be a bad appearance if Nausicaa, a woman without a husband, is with a man who looks like a god. What was taking place there? He was an expert mariner and was able to read the stars to navigate his way home. If Odysseus said he would kill all the 108 suitors himself then why did he bring Athena and Telemachus into the mini-war. He says that Zeus and Athena will be their allies. ), To which two goddesses is Penelope being compared? What did Athena call herself and Odysseus? The idea of the Trojan Horse, which allowed the Greeks to be victorious in the Trojan War. Aegisthus and the suitors ; Agamemnon and Odysseus. (book 22), Which suppliants does Odysseus spare in the battle in the hall? They will all be doomed and killed if the cattle are harmed. Define the epithet "godlike Odysseus". To what is Athena's makeover of Odysseus compared? Penelope scolds the suitors for what unusual courting behavior? As the crew climbs ashore, Athena urges Telemachus to put his shyness aside and question Nestor about Odysseus. Eumaeus accuses him because he has had many beggars come to his home and claim to know that Odysseus was coming back that Eumaeus has lost trust and hope. (book 11). How does Telemachus ease the tension in the room? What did Odysseus ask Demodocus to sing about? To see who could last longer mowing the field, enduring from dawn until dark, and who could drive the straighter furrow. (book 15). (book 5). by and for people who could not read or write. Odysseus won. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Discuss the oath that Odysseus makes Calypso swear. In the simile in 16.229-232, what are Odysseus's and Telemachus's tears compared to ? Because Eurymachus is giving Penelope the best wedding presents and the most as well. Eurycleia is the nurse to Telemachus and loves no one more than Odysseus and Telemachus. Telemachus focuses on his father's return to Ithaca in Book XV. (book 18). (book 17). Like most of the gods, Athena supported the Greeks during the Trojan war, mostly because she was not chosen by Paris as the "fairest" of the three goddesses.In the end, she inspired Odysseus and Epeios to build a wooden device in the shape of a horse, with which the Greeks gained an entry to the city. (book 9). In the simile 16.19-21, what is Eumaeus being compared to? Peisistratus doesn't agree with Telemachus's urgency to leave and doesn't want to be punished by the gods for not following the guest-host relationship. Beside this, why did Athena help Achilles? Anticleia died of grief for Odysseus. Why would Odysseus rather die at Troy/on the battlefields than at sea? He didn't want his men to freeze up, he wanted them to be strong and fighting. ), Even thought the suitors have been intolerable, why has Philoetius stayed faithful? She also often helps Telemachusas when she sends him off to Pylos and Sparta to earn a name for himselfbut she has the most affection for Odysseus. There are multiple reasons! How is Athena important to the story so far? (book 11). Eurycleia was a prized slave in Odysseus's household. In The Odyssey Telemachus is portrayed as a boy who has to grow up, he needs to find the courage and guidance to find his father, Athena is Telemachus voice she is the one who helps give this courage to him. the land of the Cicons, the island of the Lotus Eaters, the island of the Cyclops (Polyphemus), Aeolia, Telepylos (the Laestrygonians), Aeaea, the Underworld/Hades, The Island of the Sirens, Scylla and Charbdis, Thrinacia (Helios), Calypso's island, and Phaeacia, a long narrative poem that tells the adventures of heroes who embody values of their particular civilizations. They can just go home and not work or have to deal with anything. What are the challenges that Odysseus had to face on his journey home? Why do you think that Odysseus smiles when Penelope says, "There are secrets between us no one else knows" ? (book 23). True or False: a god cannot be an alter ego, or a spiritual or psychological representation of a hero's qualities. The son of Odysseus and Penelope. Odysseus has been blocked for seven years from returning to his homeland by We saw the Eiffel Tower flying to England). What is the omen that the hawk brings? Why is Theoclymenus on the run? To how sailors feel when someone smashed their ships but then they found/were brought back to safety. He as least wants to know for sure if Odysseus is coming back and wants him to make things right again. Why did Athena want the "pain/To sing deeper into Odysseus's bones"? Why do you think they found it pleasing? Why did Amphinomus suddenly change his mind about plotting to kill Telemachus? The kings son, Pisistratus accompanies Telemachus to Sparta. Telemachus puts Athena's spear where his father's was to symbolize that they will fight many more wars together and Athena will have Odysseus's back from now on. parnassus with his grandfather, Autolycus. Penelope started weaving a burial garment for Odysseus's father, Laertes, and told the suitors that once she finished, she would marry one of them/ another man. The epithet, "godlike Odysseus," shows that Odysseus is favored by all the gods and almost stands out among them (except Poseidon) and though his parents were mortals, Odysseus proved that he had the potential to be a god. Telemachus and went among the Ithacan pleading for their help as he journey to Pylos and Sparta. Eurymachus acknowledges the wrong they've done and says that it was all Antinous's fault, and Odysseus should forgive them all because they will pay him back lavishly. How was Odysseus able to make it so far across the sea w/o being bothered by Poseidon? To snow that wastes on the mountain tops after the south east and west winds have blown upon it and thawed it until the rivers were full with water. before Eumaeus slaughtered the animal, he always thought of the gods and showed his respects. In Book I, the Goddess Athena disguises herself as Mentes, an old family friend of Odysseus, when she goes to visit his son, Telemachus.Athena, disguised as him, tells Telemachus that he is sailing to the city of Temese with his own crew, claiming that he is in search of copper. When Eumaeus came in and dropped a bow, Telemachus proclaimed that he wished he was stronger than all the other suitors as he was stronger than Eumaeus. Describe one of the tricks Penelope devised to hold off the suitors. Who was the young girls carrying the pitcher? (book 6). Who is the character describing Homer in the Odyssey? She was comparing a mortal to an immortal as equals. In Book 2 of the Odyssey, how does Athena help Telemachus at the Assembly? 2021 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, https://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/Greek/Odyssey1.php, What are 3 examples of times when Odysseus demonstrated epic hero/god like qualities in. Nothing is required for the suitors in Odysseus's house, and their life is very easy there. Which ship has made it through the Wandering Rocks? She is in Hades because suicide is a sin. When Telemachus's ship arrives at Pylos the next morning, the crew finds 4500 of Nestor's people sacrificing bulls in honor of the god Poseidon. (book 19), That he wants to take the weapons away to clean them (and is afraid Zeus will disapprove of the suitors fighting. Athena occasionally appears to Odysseus in dreams and indirectly helps him through his voyage. Why was Achilles so mad at/killed Hector and other of King Prium's men? What does Odysseus's response to Circe's invitations say about the power of an oath. Athena comes to Telemachus because she is trying to get Odysseus home. (book 12). Eumaeus welcomes him w/ open arms and kindness, following the guest-host relationship. (book 20). (Odysseus is described as this when he gets mad at the women misconducting themselves in front of the suitors. He asks Arete to help him get home and tells her all his difficulty in getting home. Odysseus is being compared to a weary farmer who had worked long and hard. Because the Pheaecians didn't want someone to find and possibly rob Odysseus. (book 18). How did Odysseus respond to Melanthius's abuse? Wine was used in all religious ceremonies and social interaction. Why does Athena help Telemachus find his father and give him confidence in Books 1 and 2 of the Odyssey? (book 20), To a female dog growling when a stranger sees her with her puppies. Telemachus would have grieved less and had more closure. Athena was disguised as one of Alcinous's servants. (book24), According to Medon, how did Odysseus manage to kill all the suitors? (book 14). Telemachus, son of Odysseus is a main character in the book the Odyssey.Throughout books 1-4 Telemachus begins to discover who he is. (book 9), Explain why Polyphemus's brothers did not help him. Because Athena wanted Odysseus to get for mad and bitter at the suitors so that he could see their true colors. (book 22), What is Penelope's first reaction to Eurycleia's announcement that Odysseus was really home? In the simile in book 24, to what are the ghosts being compared? To what is Odysseus compared as he emerges from the bushes? Because it gives Eumaeus grief and pain and sorrow for Odysseus. Odysseus has been blocked for seven years from returning to his homeland by Poseidon, who hates him and has kept him trapped on the island of Ogyia. Patroclus and Achilles very good friends and lived together, however, Hector and Achilles were very tense at the time as well. Why did Penelope want to be accompanied by Autono and Hippodameia? They know that if they go to Icarius's house, their life will be much harder. Athena deflected most of the spears so that the suitor's aim was bad towards Odysseus. Athena wants Odysseus to get all the help he can to complete his journey. Athena and Telemachus arrive in Pylos, where they are entertained by Nestor. (book 20). (book 11). Athena told him to entrust his riches to the worthies servant, find an old friend, and tell him to tell Penelope that he is safe; Athena told him to go home because Eurymachus was about to marry Penelope (a lie) (book 15). (book 17). He drinks wine and eats his meal to help him forget about his troubles. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. For whom were epics first told by and for? What is the prime cut of roast beef a mark of? Odysseus hauled his men back to the ship on his own and ordered everyone to cast off the ship immediately. Why does Athena advise Odysseus to reveal his identity to Telemachus? Book II : As Telemachus was walking away at the end of the. Odysseus proclaims that he is Laertes son and that he was cunning and smart. Athena knows that Telemachus will be able to speak to a king because he is Odysseus's son and the gods will help him along. Because the servant Medon overheard the suitors talking about killing Telemachus and told Penelope.
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