(I make a real effort not to repeat myself, or to treat myreaders like 8-year-olds and put circles and arrows around all the importantmoments in a book.) The hazards of changing horses in midstream, I'mafraid, but Ellen has her hands full with raising two rambunctious daughtersat the moment, and I don't see her getting back to writing for anothersixteen or so years (and I doubt any of you want to wait that long)! The Overview: Joy wants nothing more than to live and Hunt in Apex City without a target on her back. You will stillnot be able to own a car. It wasalso a lot easier to make sure that things of---an "adult" nature, such as"slash" fiction---didn't get in the hands of 14-year-olds. I still get giddy thinking about it. In making him my agent, Ilegally delegated the responsibility for administration of my copyrightedmaterial to him. In 1985 her first book was published. High Magick is a thing of complex rituals and specific spells. Lackey had difficulties obtaining enough interesting books from the public library to sate her passion for reading. I'm very lucky in that my brain seems to be able to work that way; maybe it comes from having to essentially do the same thing when I was a computer programmer (we call that multi-tasking). I have been asked this "do-you-think-the-author-would-mind?" By the end of Beyond World's End, Eric is just coming into his own as a Bard, and yet when Spirits White as Lightning opens, Eric has returned to the world and is a full-fledged and trained Bard. Italso covers the novels that another author finished after her death. Thanks for your time; hope you get everything you ever needed. But I have a feeling that the setting, political system, schooling system, and everything else being the same still equals a big no-no on the list of things to do. She had a lot of interesting things to say about what fictionshould do that I agree with. If you want goodadvice on how to get professionally published, get Cory Doctorow's book THECOMPLETE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO PUBLISHING SCIENCE FICTION. Now they are all under one concern, with thescience fiction budget divided among the separate lines, or sf/f linesclosed out altogether. You will then be able toafford a 400 sq ft apartment with only one other roommate. [citation needed], She met C. J. Cherryh through filk, and she mentored her during the writing of her 'Arrows' series. Eventually, as the stocks of books published in hardback run low andthere doesn't appear to be any real demand for the hardbound editions, thehardbound edition is allowed to go out of print and if there are any left,they are sent off to places like Barnes and Noble at a substantial discount( this is called being remaindered) and you'll find them in their sectionsof similar books, for between five and ten dollars each. http://www.sff.net/people/hmm/clarion.html. I am a small-time author with friends in the writing circle, and nearly every author I know has been treated like that before -- and it certainly does not make them feel welcome or myself. That, of course, in our case, that is what happened to our books up to theWinds Trilogy. Larry has collaborated with his wife, Mercedes Lackey, on a number of her books, including: Storm Breaking (illustrator) The Mage Wars Trilogy (DAW) Let's journey back in time to a point BI (Before Internet), when all that awordsmith had to worry about was Stuff On Paper. I've kind of been wondering.... how does that work, having two people write one book? But does it ever become a bit frustrating that something you've probably worked on for probably _at least_ two years is read by your fans (like me) in a couple of hours and then they areturning around asking when the next one will be out? [11] She was also active in the Society for Creative Anachronism, and belongs to the Great Dark Horde. During this time, Marion Zimmer Bradley included her short stories in an anthology; and Cherryh helped Lackey through 17 rewrites of 'Arrows'. Itprobably shouldn't be in there, considering how our agent feels about fanficin general and fanfic novels in particular, but if someone ever does take meto court that's one more item to get the case dismissed before it gets intohigh legal fees. Note from Firebird. If you learned that a character in a completely non-Valdemar, non-SERRA, non-Diana Tregarde fan fiction had quoted a line from one of your books and properly attributed it, would it offend you? What's with the flood of questions? “The Dragon Prophecy” by Mercedes Lackey, James Mallory setting map TemplatesThe setting is both the time and geographic location within a narrative, either nonfiction or fiction. I would just like to thank you both for the amazing books you havewritten. Who would be sued, if something went horribly wrong? These are very intensive workshops and not for the hobbyist orthe faint of heart. I've met physically with Dave and Eric once, with Rosemary and Roberta once, with James Mallory never, with Andre several times, but it's so easy to work by email that it really doesn't matter whether or not you're meeting physically with someone. In some, the plot is worked out such that there is a kind of split in the action, making two or more subplots, and each author writes his or her own piece and the two are woven together. Tolkien, who is the only author that has ever hadhis books reissued in hardback by his original publishing company). My question concerns Rosemary Edghill, your co-writer, and one of my favorite authors in her own right. This story is well worth your time and effort to read. There is no control over fanfiction with adult themes being restricted toage-appropriate readers. Ah, the Internet! Now comes the hard part: gluing yourself to a chair and doing the actual writing. So after writing me second reflections of hunter, I was in the mood for some more of Mercedes Lackey’s work. These novels explore issues of ecology, social class, and gender roles. If you are seriously interested in getting professional instruction andcritique for your writing some day, I strongly recommend the Clarion or someof the other sf-pro run workshops, which are taught by SF professionals whoare good teachers as well as good writers. Ihave a book schedule of two solo and two collabs a year and as you canimagine, even if I liked being an editor, I would have no time for it.However, I absolutely hate being an editor; this is why the Valdemaranthologies are edited by Martin Greenberg and his staff, not yours truly. Read … I like reading about romance, and would love to incorporate it into my stories. She has been called one of the "most prolific science fiction and fantasy writers of all time. Since they had similar interests, and almost exactly thesame areas of expertise, it was inevitable that they would choose thesame subjects to write about. Since the Mary Stewart book dates all the way back to the seventies, is a mystery rather than a fantasy, and is not going to be listed under my name, I doubt that anyone is going to be confused. Nor is it legal foryou to publish a novel-length work in ANY form. Thank you and please don't stop! She divorced Tony Lackey, and eventually married Larry Dixon. In 1990, she married Larry Dixon. She's also a gas to work with, having a fantastic (and wicked) sense ofhumor and always willing to pitch in to do MORE than her share if thingssuddenly get rocky. . If you are looking for books that have gone out of print in the hardbackedition, the best thing to do is check used book stores or Ebay, or join thebook club. Reading and critiquing fan fiction or original fiction: Here's why. On that note, I do have a question for her--if it is ever passed ontoher, I'd love to hear her answer: I went through someone trying to claim something I wrote was their own, and it gave me an all new respect for rights. He's theco-editor on all of mine. Anthologies containing stories by Mercedes Lackey Alternative Warriors (1993) By Any Other Fame (1993) Deals with the Devil (1994) Sisters in Fantasy 2 (1996) A Magic-Lover's Treasury of the Fantastic (1997) Catfantastic V (1999) Witches (2012) If Motley Crue can be sued by the parents of asuicidal teenager over something that was alleged to be in their songs---notthe lyrics, but supposedly "masked" or "secret" messages!---it doesn't takea leap of imagination to see that parents of a youngster who find"adult-themed" Valdemar fanfic on his or her computer could decide, not tosue the author (who might be anonymous) but sue me instead (especially ifsome idiot decided to put MY name on it instead of his/her own). [7] After several years, Lackey's policy permitted offline fanfic, but only if the author got a release form from Mercedes Lackey that said the author acknowledged that they were using characters that belong to Mercedes Lackey and that the author's work essentially became Mercedes Lackey's property to prevent "infringing on my right to make a living from my own imagination". The very next day, the Korean War was declared. Mercedes Lackey is a famous American author, who has particular interests in writing fantasy novels. Did they check this blurb before they sent it out? Many of her novels and trilogies are interlinked and set in the world of Velgarth, mostly in and around the country of Valdemar. When I got to meet her in person I learn she’d my books and enjoyed them, I might have lost my tiny mind. Mercedes Ritchie Lackey (born June 24, 1950) is an American writer of fantasy novels. Thank you very much for your time and your wonderful stories! Q. I'm 15 and for a occupation later in life, I'm very interested in going into the writing field. It is also quite difficult to place novellas and novelettes, as they are not a comfortable length for magazines or short story collections. And oh, the innumerablecans'o'worms it's opened up for those of us who make our living entertainingpeople. TheSerrated Edge and Tregard novels are wonderful and I really look forwardto the new book "Beyond World's End". In the Owlflight series, you had a co-author. Your (still a) fan girl, Miss Gail. Likepeople are going to enjoy three chapters devoted to a character's horrendousand agonizing descent into madness and death. Mercedes Lackey lives in Oklahoma with her spouse and regular collaborator, Larry Dixon, and their parrots. A literary element, the setting helps initiate the main backdrop and mood for a story. 2) Make the rounds of all the publishing houses looking for work. Mercedes Lackey is a full-time writer and has published numerous novels and works of short fiction, including the best-selling Heralds of Valdemar series. please continue. Well, when it comes to this question, my advice would be what every writers' guide says, and this is to write what you know, and if you haven't got any romantic experience of your own, then don't write anything with romance in it. Dillabough is proud to present an interview with Mercedes R. Lackey. I'm in it too... unofficially. While at Purdue, she took a one-on-one class of English Literature Independent Studies with a professor who was a fellow science fiction fan. SPIRITS WHITE AS LIGHTNING is out in hardcover, and will be out in paperback some time this year, at the same time that MAD MAUDLIN comes out in hardback. 16 Dec,2014 off. I look at it interms of the work of one hour (the idea) versus the work of four months,8 hours a day, 7 days a week (writing the book). The odds are better to make a living playing cards inLas Vegas than to make a living writing, and the odds are getting worse,not better, as publishing houses are being devoured by largerbusinesses. I have three or four ideas for newbooks or series at any given time. First off, I just wanted to thank you; I love all the books of yours that I've read (which isn't many, as they are a bit hard to come by down in Cornwall, UK - or maybe I'm just not good at finding them!). She has worked with fantasy authors Andre Norton (such as the Halfblood Chronicles), Marion Zimmer Bradley (such as Rediscovery and Tigers Burning Bright), Anne McCaffrey (such as The Ship Who Searched), and Piers Anthony (If I Pay Thee Not in Gold). You will share a 300 sq ft apartmentin an aging building with no less than two other roommates. This is what Rosemary Edgehill says, "I can benice, or I can be professional, I can't be both.". (3) I like the new world you started with the Earth air fire Water mages. The only way you can get them in hardback is from a few 'specialty press'companies; some of them are in omnibus editions from the Science FictionBook Club (both the "Arrows" and the "Last Herald-Mage" trilogies). In some, the senior and junior work out the plot together, and the junior does the writing. You’re a hack, a formulaic writer who apparently can’t be arsed to do her research, and you apparently never learned that a good writer can make any character appeal to a wider audience (or did you never hear of Trans-Sister Radio which was a … If not, that's okay. I'm trying to become a writer, but I don't think any of my ideas are good enough to be published, so I was kind of wondering. Since I have no way to ask Spider Robinson, I just thought I'd see if you'd answer it. Some agents elected totry and eliminate it altogether; most cautioned authors against givingpermission for it. Series: Hunter #2. Thanks so much for your time! I'd love to meet one! The only way you get better at anything is to practice; that goes forwriting as well. Even if I wasn't about fiftybooks behind on my research reading, the legal ramifications of reading anykind of unsolicited work are too great. Nine Mercedes Lackey stories written for the Sword and Sorceress series anthology involve Tarma & Kethry as the main characters. The Vegarth series was and still is a pleasure to read- I often findmyself reading one or the other of the books yet again.And thank You for the gryphons, Herr Dixon and Frau Lackey. Rating: 5/5 stars. 3)Work at the job you are offered for about four years. In it Lord Kyndreth's bodygaurd is named Keith Jared and is approximately the age that Shanas uncle/Serina Daeth's brother Keith is. As for working on someone else's ideas, and calling thatcollaboration...the ideas are the easiest part. Yes, thecase would be dismissed, but it would still cost time (fewer books for you)and money (belt-tightening for me). And, on average, how many books are you working on at a time? . In some cases, the "senior" author works out in short form how the book should go, and the "junior" author does all the actual writing. Moretime, more money, flying out the door, never to return. Her earlier Velgarth novels are all solo projects, but later volumes in the Valdemar saga are illustrated by her husband Larry Dixon, and in many of her latest works he is also credited as co-author. And if so, do you know of a way(s) I could do this? She is … Mercedes Lackey is a full-time writer and has published numerous novels and works of short fiction, including the bestselling Heralds of Valdemar series. Once again, I can and will prove in a court of lawthat I could not possibly have "stolen" anyone's ideas. But in the days of BI, for the most part, fan "use" of an author's work wasnot a lot to fret over. Ever. Marion Zimmer Bradley enjoyed being an editor and a publisher, and as aresult spent about sixty percent of her time doing those jobs with heranthologies and magazine, with the result that after MISTS OF AVALON shepublished about one book of her own every two to three years at best. These workshops have consistently produced successful writers. Wait for one of theeditors to quit, die, or be fired. Lackey has published numerous works, both standalones and works in series. The protagonist characters are strong, likeable, and the story is easy to follow. She's also a sterling editor, truly a master of the craft.She's just as fast as I am, too, which is an advantage! This email is a lot longer than I intended it to be... sorry. Author: Mercedes Lackey. She began publishing work in science fiction fanzines and then discovered filk and had some filk lyrics published by Off Centaur Publications. I have been looking forward to reading more about Grey since I read the short stories. A: Actually one of the ways is to take a name out of the phone book, and ifit "feels" like it fits the character, re-spell it slightly! My mom suggested (I'm 15.) Even if I did have acouple million dollars lying around, I have a lot of other things I'd ratherdo with it than start a publishing company. Now, as for your first question, until Larry's schedule frees up enough that he can work on SERRA books, those are on hold. [...] I enjoyed that, by the way, as well as "Camel's Back" - I've never seen such raw anger on my screen before" In 1992, he married fantasy author Mercedes Lackey; they live in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area. If you ever want a Firecat for yourself, I would suggest theSiamese Rescue center at Topeka, KS. You will be offered a job in themail room, the production department, or as a secretary. Editorialassistants come from among those who have already served their time in oneof those capacities, and editors come from among the editorial assistants.Did I mention that your salary will be about the same as the averagefast-food wage? If you ever come across a gryphon here, in our world, would you please let me know? It was preceded by The Last Straw (Mercedes Lackey's rant).. It's not as if you have to discard those ideas once you'vetried to do something with them---you can always come back to themlater, when your skills are higher. Collaboration works differently for every two or more people that go into it. It does cover what would happen if you accepted a shortstory into an anthology - could a similar arrangement be made for anovel? The story starts and ends with Tarma and Kethry in the Pelagir forest, with Warrl, in their early "adventuring" years. Author Talk with Bonnie K.T. Lackey graduated from Purdue in 1972.[4]. I picked up the Last Herald Mage Trilogy in an out-of-the-waybookstore while on vacation years ago and have been an avid readersince. Of that 5%, most write other things besides sf/f as wellin order to live. [5], Learn how and when to remove this template message, massively multiplayer online role-playing game, "11 Most Prolific Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors of All Time", "Mercedes Lackey Official Website, Ask Misty", Baen catalog of books and ebooks by Mercedes Lackey, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mercedes_Lackey&oldid=1018040300, Women science fiction and fantasy writers, 20th-century American short story writers, 21st-century American short story writers, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2019, Articles needing additional references from February 2021, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 16 April 2021, at 00:05. (2) How do start a character? Ah but now, 2002 AI...oh, how different things are. During the 50s and early 60s, a particular Big NameSF writer kept getting his stories bounced back by the editor of one ofthe magazines on the grounds that he'd just bought a story from anotherBig Name writer on the same subject. Working with Anne McCaffrey, I went second---with Rosemary, first. The real answer came when he finally caught up with "B" at a SF con. I was just wondering, firstly, what is your favourite of your own books, and why? If Iwere ever to say that I would like to model myself on a particular author,it would be the late Dorothy L. Sayers, the author of the Peter Wimseymysteries. I know I would feel enraged if a fan ever did with my writing universe something I had asked repeatedly for fans not to do. 23 Nov,2014 off. Mercedes Lackey. The Bedlam's Bard books describe a young man with the power to work magic through music; the SERRAted Edge books are about racecar driving elves; and the Diana Tregarde thrillers center on a Wiccan who combats evil. The first fly in the ointment directly in our field happened to MarionZimmer Bradley, after the wild success of MISTS OF AVALON, when a (former)fan threatened to sue her for her adaptation of an idea the fan had come upwith for a Lew Alton Darkover novel. bandwidth, and interest permit. And I usually have outlines andcontracts for four to six books that I am already set to write. Authors of fanfic no longer have those pesky printing and distributionproblems---just write and post, and make sure you list your stuff with thesearch engines! Just wondering if you could help me. Or do I instead start a different story? From "The Ship WhoSearched" in which we learned we can overcome any obstacle to "The BlackSwan" where we found that doing what is right is the most important,there are strong female characters who make decisions and live with theresults of their actions. And you'll have todedicate about six weeks of your full time to it AND go in person to theworkshop. She was a major contributor to an early album of space filk, Minus Ten and Counting. She is also a proficient lyricist and an approved Wild bird rehabilitator. I have to admit, having SKitty and her family easily at hand is nice. I'm taking a short break from the Fairy Tale/Elemental Masters series forthe new JOUST books, but there's at least one more in the series, andprobably more. A fanfic novel had to cost as much ormore than a mass-market hardback, and it was printed on clumsy letter-sizepaper and bound (if at all) in report-covers. So what's your advice? Which is why when someone says that they have agreat idea for a book and they'll split the money if I'll write it, Itry not to laugh hysterically, but gently suggest that they really oughtto write it themselves, since it is THEIR idea. Should I forget about it until I'm older and have the experience to put a little romance in there, and wait, also, to even THINK about publishing anything, or what? I'm sorrythat all had to happen. And lest you think that can't be done, thereare several authors and their publishers who have successfully done justthat, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro for one; all it takes is a lawyer. I've noticed that the release form says"manuscript for a short story or novel." Some time ago, Marion Zimmer Bradley ended up having tocancel the idea of EVER writing a particular book, because a fan (whoshall remain nameless) demanded equal collaborative credit and money, ifshe used a particular "idea" that had come from a fan-fiction story. She has also published several novels re-working well-known fairy tales set in a mid-19th to early 20th century setting in which magic is real, although hidden from the mundane world. Generally, for paying markets, novellas and novellettes are either specifically asked for by an editor or publisher, or else are from a very, very prominent and award-winning author indeed. Hurting your feelings: I am a professional, and I take my job seriously. All we're trying to do is to protect ourselvesand our work so it doesn't get killed by the greed of others. Maybe Ishould, just to see what sparked all this controversy you talked aboutin "The Last Straw." Instead of handing a disk back and forth, we mail files; instead of working out an outline by talking about it, we send annotated emails back and forth until the outline takes shape. He says everythingthat I would or could, a lot of things I hadn't even thought or or hadexperience with, and says it better. [8], She married Anthony Lackey in 1972, and they divorced in 1990. And as for the new opportunities to ruin a reputation---upstream in the "AskMisty" section, you may find a question I just fielded from a youngster,asking if it was true that I had written a book with a bestiality scene init! I know that the purpose of a business is to make money, andthough we try to choose a career in which we can make money and dosomething we enjoy it does not always happen. She also enjoys beadwork, costuming, and needlework. Still, I do enjoy her writing, so to find this collection was great. I have a few questions, mostly pertaining to co-authored books. I loved the Vanyel series, and I saw th! Coding games may not be a breeze, but it's a whole loteasier and within six months or less you can have a MUD, MUSH, or online RPGgoing, and as big an audience as size. There was enough detail in the question to make me think that SOMEONEout there had written "that book" and had posted it online! Mercedes Lackey is a well known author of more than fifty fantasy novels.

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